CSS 404 Internet Concepts
XP Objectives Developing a Web page and a Website Working with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Web Tables Web Forms Multimedia Website with frames XHTML Programming with JavaScript New Perspectives on HTML and XHTML, 5e2
XP Web Site For The Course
XP Textbook
XP Grading Total points will be computed as follows. The total points for quizzes, cases, and assignments may vary. Exam #1-#4: 150*4 (No midterm and final) – Midterm grade will be assigned based on first two exams. – Final grade will be assigned based on all assignments and exams. Assignments: 150 Project: 200 Participation: 50 Total: 1000 Points Point System: 1000 total assigned points A>= 900 B>= 800 C>= 700 D>= 600
XP Homework submission Create your own website on ORCA Submit your codes to – Make your homework accessible from ORCA