What do you know about changes in the aviation industry? Are things improving for small airlines large airlines passengers the environment airline staff?
fall decrease go down grow increase shrink go up rise Delicatessen rose increased went up grew fell decreased went down shrank
Project Planning Terms Match a word on the left with the correct definition on the right. 1. resources A particular period of time during the development of something 2. milestone A specific time or date by which you have to do something 3. green light Something such as money, workers, or equipment that can be used to help an institution or business 4. deadline The official approval to go ahead with something An event or achievement which marks an important stage in a project 5. phase
Listening for detail - Did you get it right? GRAPH 1 TOURISTS 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 January April July October January
Describe the trend shown in the diagram below The market share is increasing every year 1 ORGANIC WINE: MARKET SHARE IN THE UK organic wine 10% 50% 60% non-organic wine Today 5 years from now 1998
Describe the trend shown in the diagram below 2 PRICE OF SHARES IN BRINFIELD AUTOS The share prices are falling rapidly Share price $10 $5 2 days ago yesterday today tomorrow
Describe the trend shown in the diagram below 3 WIDGETS: EFFICIENCY OF PRODUCTION Efficiency of production is improving 10 Time in minutes 5 Last year Now Next year
Describe the trend shown in the diagram below 4 SALES OF WIDGETS Sales of widgets are going up every year 100 forecast 75 Sales / Year (thousands) 50 25 3 years ago 2 years ago Last year This year
Describe the trend shown in the diagram below 5 COST OF PETROL IN AUSTRALIA The price of petrol in Australia is increasing slowly
Describe this process using the present simple passive cut make sell transport
cut Presentations Why do people give presentations? Have you ever given a presentation? When you give a presentation what are the most important things to remember?
Let’s go back and look at I’d like to start by First of all Moving on to Let’s go back and look at Thank you for coming I’d like to finish by Are there any questions? Signposting
Match the presentation phrases 1. I’d like to start by a) we’ll look at how this has affected our share prices 2. First of all b) our share prices : the next slide shows us... 3. After that c) giving you a short overview of today’s presentation 4. Moving on to d) showing you how we aim to reach this target e) we’re going to look at the sales figures for the last two years. 5. Let’s go back and look at 6. I’d like to finish by f) the first slide again
Sequencing and imperatives Don’t forget Then Secondly After that Make sure Firstly Finally ____________, decide on the budget for the stand. ____________, choose the size and the location of the stand. ____________, design the stand (shelving scheme, display area). _______ ______ you book your stand space with the exhibition organizers. _______ _______ to think about your colour scheme, graphic panels, and audio-visual equipment. _______ _______ organize the logistics of the delivery (stand, publicity, products _____________, set up the stand. Firstly Secondly Then Make sure Don’t forget After that Finally
wide seats seat allocation How important are these things for you when you fly? Rate the following as A: (very important), B: (important) or C: (not important) free in-flight food free headphones carbon footprint of flight a lot of legroom wide seats seatback TV fast check-in free newspapers or magazines seat allocation friendly cabin crew free in-flight drinks a clean and tidy plane
Discussion Work in two groups. You are the managing directors at ScotAir, a traditional airline with a long history. ScotAir is in trouble. It is losing a lot of customers to its low cost competitors. Share prices are falling and the stockholders are demanding that something be done, quickly! Group A You think ScotAir needs to start a new budget subsidiary. Think of the reasons why a budget subsidiary would be a good idea, consider the staff, passengers, the environment. Prepare to present your ideas to the rest of the class. Group B You don’t think ScotAir needs to start a new budget subsidiary. Think of the reasons why a budget subsidiary would be a bad idea, consider the staff, passengers, the environment. Prepare to present your ideas to the rest of the class.