Honors Level Course Implementation Webinar Honors Rubric and Portfolio Review Process October 7, 2013
Introductions Facilitating the Webinar Today is… Jami Inman Michelle McLaughlin
Honors Implementation Wikispace Information includes: Honors committee members with links Honors Implementation Guide (pdf) Archived webinars and content presentations of implementation guide ( and ) Honors Rubric and Review Checklist Portfolio Template Excel file of course codes eligible for review
Today’s Agenda Topics Frequently Asked Questions Updates Honors Level Implementation Process & LEA Review Sharing
Review of Frequently Asked Questions 1.So, every honors teacher must create a portfolio and the LEA chooses which one for each curriculum area to present (for submission)?
Review of Frequently Asked Questions continued 2.In what format will the portfolio be submitted? 3.Will the portfolio submission for cohort 1 be based on courses taught in the fall? 4.Does the LEA make local requirements for teachers to submit portfolios?
Review of Frequently Asked Questions continued 5.So one person per district is the only person that can access the honors Moodle, so that means that one person needs to contact Randy that they are the contact person? 6.When will we be notified what course will be reviewed (CTE)?
Implementation Guide (page 5) The State Board of Education has requested the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction to develop and implement a review process in order to provide guidance to Local Education Agencies for effective implementation of honors level courses. The Honors Level Course Rubric and the Honors Implementation Guide will serve as a framework to guide teachers, principals, and Local Education Agencies in developing and locally reviewing honors level courses. The honors level course review process will occur every three years.
State Agency Role vs. Local Agency Role Role of the State Agency Provide a consistent framework to guide teachers and principals as they develop, implement, and review courses receiving honors weight. Align the honors rubric/criteria to the new Common Core Standards and Essential Standards. Provide detailed instructions for preparing a honors portfolio. Design an online submission system for uploading honors portfolios and evidences for state-level review. Design a system for selection and training of individuals reviewing honors portfolios at the state level. Provide feedback to LEAs submitting portfolios and to the NC State Board of Education. Role of the Local Agency Design and outline a local process used to communicate, develop, collect, review, and provide feedback for honors portfolios in the local school district. Establish timelines for various benchmarks in the local honors portfolio development and submission process. Determine the portfolio (per content area) which will be submitted as the representative example of what honors courses look like in the LEA. Submit an assurance statement which provides a brief narrative describing the LEA’s local honors review process.
State-level Honors Review Timeline Fall Implementation of new Honors Courses Feb/March Cohort I portfolio submission and review Spring Cohort II notified Cohort II portfolio submission and review Cohort III notified Cohort III portfolio submission and review Three year LEA review process begins again
TIMELINE FOR PILOT FOR THE HONORS PORTFOLIO SUBMISSION PROCESS December LEAs continue work on their local Honors implementation and review process. LEAs reminder of the January training dates and the beginning of the Honors Portfolio uploading process for Cohort I. Dec October – November LEAs continue work on their local Honors implementation and review process. October 7 th Updates & Q/A Webinar for Cohort I and Pilots November 4 th Updates & Q/A Webinar for Cohort I and Pilots November 29 th Pilot Ends Oct - Nov August – September LEAs continue work on their local Honors implementation and review process. September 5 th Cohort I Webinar sharing expectations of the Honors implementation and review process. September 16 th – Pilot Begins Pilot LEA webinar sharing expectations for Portfolio submission. --Use of the Online Submission system --Steps involved in uploading portfolio files Aug - Sept Pilot Phase
TIMELINE FOR HONORS COURSE REVIEW Jan Provide training to the 40 LEAs in the first cohort on how to use and upload to the system. The training window will be January 20-24, January 25, LEAs may begin UPLOADING INFORMATION (Not Submitting final portfolios - Just Uploading files) into the online system for each Honors course that is to be reviewed by the state. Feb Notify the 40 evaluators who will review the honors portfolios (content experts, IHE, AIG Leaders, etc.) March March 1, 2014 – LEAs may begin to SUBMIT completed portfolios for state review. March 1, 2014 – Honors Portfolio Moodle System will send reminder to the First Cohort of LEAs of the deadline to submit the LEA honors portfolio courses March 10-21, 2014 – Evaluator Training March 21, 2014 – All Honors portfolios due to the online system from the First Cohort LEAs Apr April 1 st – April 25 th - Evaluators review honors portfolios through the Moodle system April 25 th –deadline for all evaluations to be completed in the Moodle by the Evaluators May - Oct May – October, 2014 Feedback and support will be given to First Cohort LEAs in May Those portfolios with a “not met” status will correct and re-submit to the Moodle Evaluators will review the re- submitted revisions Content Consultants will offer support as needed to the First Cohort LEAs via conference calls, webinars, face-to-face visits to assist LEAs with “not met” categories of the rubric review process Moodle system will remain open to the First Cohort of LEAs for revisions and curriculum planning until the end of October COHORT I: Training, Submission, Review and Feedback
Honors Submission Process
Logging Into The Honors Moodle If you do not have a Login click this button to create one. Once you have a Login, type in your information and Login to NC Education.
Finding The Link For The Honors Course Site
Inside The Honors Portfolio Site
File Types Supported By The Submission Moodle *Important Note: To find the full listing on the Moodle, look for the link titled File Type Supported Conversion Table.
Closure North Carolina Honors Course Implementation Guide and Rubric State-wide framework Local flexibility Guidelines for rigor required for honors credit weighting
Contact Information Linda Brannan, Consultant K-12 Student Support Services NCDPI Curriculum & Instruction Division