Catalyst 1. Explain why Sulfur has a bigger atomic radius than Oxygen by drawing both Bohr Electron Diagrams. End
Lesson 1.8 – Wikispaces Performance Task 1 and Stations Review
Today’s Learning Targets LT 1.2 – I can explain the development of atomic theory incorporating the contributions of Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr. Review of all Unit 1 Learning Targets
Preparing for Assessments To master the learning targets on the Unit 1 Exam, students will use checklists to make sure they: – Complete Wikispaces Performance Task with uploaded ion creation video. – Create a guideline to tell the atomic theory development story on students’ wikispaces pages as if it were told to an AP student. – Complete the Stations Review in preparation for the quantitative exam. Use the taste tests to guide mastery level assessment.
Digital Skills
Uploading and Embedding to Wikispaces
Upload and Embed Screencasts available for how to: – Upload Videos to Youtube – Embed Youtube Videos on Wikispaces pages – Insert Images and Files on Wikispaces pages
Review Station Protocol
Stations Expectations Stations are sorted according to the learning targets that will be assessed on the Unit 1 Quantitative Exam. Each station goes over questions similar to exam questions and conclude with a letsgeddit taste test. You may work in groups, but it is expected that you will be working from bell to bell and keeping the language academic!
Taste Tests
Station 1 – LT 1.1 Station 2 – LT 1.2 Station 3 – LT 1.3 Station 4 – LT 1.4 Station 5 – LT 1.4 Station 6 – LT 1.5 Station 7 – LT 1.6 Station 8 – LT 1.7 and 1.8 Station 9 – LT 1.7 and 1.8 At the end of each station, you will log on to your accounts and answer the question associated with each station and LT!
Educanon Support Educanon Videos Available: Lesson 1.1 Lesson 1.2 Lesson 1.3 Lesson 1.4 Lesson 1.5 Lesson 1.6 Lesson 1.7 Any concept students struggle with can be explained by watching the Educanon video lessons for the specific station and lesson.
Rate Yourself Rate yourself 1 – 4 on all learning targets You should study this weekend any LTs that you rated yourself at a level 1 or 2.
Review of Performance Task 1: Putting Together The Atomic Theory Totem Pole
First Step: Research
I. Discoveries of Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr Research must be done to identify the contributions of Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr to our current model of the atom. Research must be done to identify the contributions of Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr to our current model of the atom. Organize the info using the Wikispaces template. Organize the info using the Wikispaces template.
II. Organize and Synthesize Once all the research is done and the necessary information is gathered, put it together! Once all the research is done and the necessary information is gathered, put it together! Tell a story from the beginning of atomic experiments to the current theory. Tell a story from the beginning of atomic experiments to the current theory.
Second Step: Design
I. Drawings of Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr Draw the models proposed by each scientist in a way that will be easy to reproduce in a model on construction paper. Make sure the Bohr Model looks great! Draw the models proposed by each scientist in a way that will be easy to reproduce in a model on construction paper. Make sure the Bohr Model looks great! If you can, make it look shnazzy! If you can, make it look shnazzy! Mr. Astor loves pretty things! Mr. Astor loves pretty things!
II. Record Video of Ion Creation on Mr. Astor’s Computer Once you’ve determined how to create your atomic model, come to Mr. Astor and record a screencasted video explaining the process needed to create an ion from the neutral atom with appropriate commentary. Once you’ve determined how to create your atomic model, come to Mr. Astor and record a screencasted video explaining the process needed to create an ion from the neutral atom with appropriate commentary. Astor will save your video for your wikispaces, and you will upload and embed it. Astor will save your video for your wikispaces, and you will upload and embed it.
Next Step: Build
I. Construction of Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr’s Models Paint/Decorate your totem pole and label your side with chalk! Paint/Decorate your totem pole and label your side with chalk! Put together models using materials available and attaching it to the construction paper. Put together models using materials available and attaching it to the construction paper. Make sure your model will fit on your totem pole! Make sure your model will fit on your totem pole!
II. Take Photos of Finished Models Once your work is securely attached to the totem poles, take photos of each stage of construction. Once your work is securely attached to the totem poles, take photos of each stage of construction. Organize pictures to begin your atomic theory story that will be told on wikispaces. Organize pictures to begin your atomic theory story that will be told on wikispaces.
Final Step: Capture
I. Create Wikispaces Page to Capture All of Your Stellar Creations! Follow Mr. Astor’s Rubric and his exemplar model to create a Wikispaces page that captures all of the contributions to the atomic model in a story! Follow Mr. Astor’s Rubric and his exemplar model to create a Wikispaces page that captures all of the contributions to the atomic model in a story!
II. Decorate and Detail Prepare an explanation for why each model improves on the one below it and describe what experimental evidence lead to this discovery. Prepare an explanation for why each model improves on the one below it and describe what experimental evidence lead to this discovery. Your story should be created to re-teach my AP Chemistry students this concept from last year! Your story should be created to re-teach my AP Chemistry students this concept from last year!
Work Time Let’s Get to Work! Get Cooking!
Closing Time Finish all Performance Task, stations work, and checklist activities by exam time for best results! UNIT 1 Quantitative EXAM Wed - Friday!