Frame of the Project Duration Volume Lead Partner March February ,7 Mio. EURO (50% INTERREG II C-Funding, 50% National Co-Financing) Hamburg, State Ministry of Econcomic Affairs Partners 25 Partners from Sweden, Finland and Germany
To strengthen sustainable development and economic integration in the Baltic Sea Region. Aims of the Project 1. To improve transport chains in the Baltic Sea Region. 2. To analyze geographical implications of these improvements on several subregions in the Baltic Sea Region. 3. To establish cross-border-networks between actors in business, science and administration.
First Aim: Improvement of Transport Chains Szczecin Intermodal Container-Transports (P&O Nedlloyd) Transport of Forest Products (Cellpap) Feeder-Transports (Team Lines) Blocktrain-Transports (Polzug)
Second Aim: Geographical Analysis Case Studies in Four Port Regions: 1. Hamburg 2. Finnland 3. St. Petersburg 4. Danzig and Kleipeda Implications of Innovative Information Technologies on Settlement Structures and Regional Planning
Third Aim: Networking To establish cross-border co-operation between actors in different arenas (business, science and public authorities) u within the project u related to special topics (e.g. dangerous goods) u to other european projects
The Project Team Public Authorities ScienceBusiness Several Ministries from Finland and Germany Regional and Local Authorities in Finland and Sweden Universities Technical Universities Institutes of Higher Education P&O / Nedlloyd Teamlines POLZUG Polen- Hamburg Transport Cellpap Terminal TFK Transportforschung VIATEK, OY and other Companies
The Schedule t every 6 months: Meetings of all BALTICOM-Partners u Start: March, 1, 1999 t 27 Milestones (Studies and Pilot Applications) u End: February, 28, 2001 Work Package 1 Work Package 7 Work Package 12
Integration in the Baltic Sea Region BALTICOM: One Step to a Baltic Sea Region That Moves Closer