03. Excel Sort, Filter and Pivot
File -> Open -> 03b-datastart.xlsx
Sort Data
Press Ctrl + Shift + * on keyboard to select whole dataset
Whole dataset should now be highlighted
Click on Data -> Sort
Sort by Market Cap
Order Largest to Smallest
Press OK
Sorts companies by Market Cap
Filter Data
Press Ctrl + Shift + * on keyboard to select whole dataset
Click on Filter
Provides Dropdown boxes for each column
Want to select Banks with a P/E ratio greater than 10
Click on ICB Sector Dropdown box
Uncheck the (Select All) box
Select Banks
Click OK
Shows only Banks
Click on P/E Dropdown box
Select Number Filters -> Greater Than
Select P/E is greater than 10
Click OK
Shows any Banks with P/E greater than 10
Challenge Sort data by Column B (Short Name) alphabetically from A to Z Filter data to show any companies from Germany (DE) with a share price above 30
Pivot Tables
Deselect Filter to return to full dataset
Press Ctrl + Shift + * to select dataset
Click on Insert -> Pivot Table
Check data range and click OK
Drag ICB Sector Name to Row Labels
Drag Cntry of Domicile to Column Labels
Drag P/E to Values
Shows the number of observations for each combination of Industry and Country
Click on Count of P/E -> Value Field Settings
Change from Count to Average
Click OK
Shows Average P/E of each industry in each country
Double-Click on Banks + GB
Opens a new sheet with only Banks in GB
Rename Sheets
Right-Click on Sheet 3 -> Rename
Rename as BanksGB
Right-Click on Sheet 2 -> Rename
Rename as PivotTable
Format Cells Decimal Places
Select all cells with numbers
Right-Click on cells and select Format Cells
Select Number -> 2 Decimal places
Press OK
Neatly formatted pivot table
File -> Save As -> 03c-datacompleted.xlsx
Challenge Calculate the maximum Market Cap for each Sector and Country Calculate the minimum Price for each Sector and Country