In an academic essay you need to have a formal tone. A formal tone is characterized by learned vocabulary, longer sentences, and an avoidance of personal pronouns. This does not mean excessive flowy language, always be as direct as possible.
Active voice: the actor acts upon the receiver The dog bit the man. Rather than: The man was bit by the dog. Passive should only be used when the actor is unknown or is less important than the receiver. Use of the passive voice sometimes leads to awkward wording. It is recommended that this experiment be tested for its effectiveness (who recommended it? Who will be testing it?)
Do not confuse your reader with unnecessary wording or jargon. Choose a short word instead of a long one when the meaning is the same. Cut out any unnecessary words. Example: Poor living accommodations give promise of incrementing the negative side of the morale balance so far as new personnel are concerned. Better: Poor living accommodations lower the morale of new personnel.
Don’t use clichés or expressions. Avoid ambiguous words or expressions. Your reader must know what you are saying and not be left to question your writing.
Avoid beginning sentences with: This or that. This and that pronouns should not be used to refer to whole sentences or concepts in the previous sentence. They should only be used when followed by a noun or when referring to a specific noun in the previous sentence. Try to incorporate the concept from the sentence before so as not to be vague. A scientists work has no value unless he shares his thoughts with the scientific community. That is the cornerstone of science. What is? Try: That communication is…
Very, quite, fairly. Often these modifiers are unnecessary and take away from your overall point. Try using one word instead. Very large= enormous, gigantic.
Absolutely clear Completely surrounded Conclusive proof Serious crisis Once again: this just provides unnecessary wording.
Have a variety of sentence structures. Make use of semicolons, commas, and conjunctions.
Not unlikely Not impossible Be direct! You are confident in your argument: show it!
No second person: Never address your reader! Ex. You, your, we, us, our. Etc. Don’t question your reader, stay focused and direct. Avoid contractions: don’t= do not, can’t=cannot, etc. Don’t start sentences with conjunctions: And, But, Because, Nor, etc. Use academic vocabulary, but only YOUR academic vocabulary. Make sure you know the proper use of the word in context. Don’t just use a thesaurus.