Global to Local: Climate change post Copenhagen Sofia Arkelsten, MP Committee on Environment and Agriculture Committee on EU Affairs
Role of the Parliamentarians Keep the global focus Work with scientists – and economists Be open to new facts Communicate with voters Deliver relevant, fair policy without protectionist components
The Swedish Model Urgent issue. Political will. Start:10 scientists. Different disciplines. All Party Committee Combined policy: Energy and Climate Existing institutions. Binding targets. International agreements. EU & Global deal.
The Swedish Climate Policy Reducing emissions with 40% to 2020 Today 6 ton/person, aiming for1-2 ton No emissions for Sweden 2050 ETS and national law Carbon tax. Balanced with other tax cuts. Plans for 50% renewable, 20% energy efficiency, fossil free transport sector 2030
Ideas for the future Aim globally – work locally It works: Both economic growth and reduced emissions +50% GDP and still -12% GHG emissions All politicians can – and shall - contribute Find inspiration and strength in each other
Ewa Björling, Minister for Trade
Gunilla Carlsson, Minister for International Development Cooperation
Ideas matter. People create change.
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