Sunlight CO 2 Water Fibres Oxygen Sweden’s Green Gold
Forest and forest industry 23 million ha of productive forests Annual growth, 110 million m 3 Annual felling, 85 million m 3 99% of total amount of Swedish bio energy
Forest based energy (total) Primary forest fuel Afforestation of bare and arable land -510 Lye from pulp industry and industrial bi-products Total 90TWh/year
Todays forest land Improved silviculture Improved plant material Fertilizing Ditch cleaning More effective nature and landscape preservation
+ 25%
The importance of traditional breeding Majs - Indianmajs - Teosinte
Concentrating on the forest Increased growth by 15 – 20% – Intensified cleaning and thinning – best available plant material – ditch clearing – fertilizing – intensive production (plantation forestry) on 5 percent of total forest area Afforestation of bare and arable land, approximately – ha Economic support in case of afforesting bare and arable land The state to subsidise pilot projects for production of 2nd generation bio fuels
Cellulose ethanol Black liquor gasification Biomass gasification ? Use of wood Pulp and paper mills 46% pulp wood 36% pulp and paper 23% energy 16% wood chip Sawmill and board industry 46% sawn timber 20% wooden goods 8% bark and shavings Heat production 8% firewood 16% energy
The new Swedish model! Everything 85 105 million m 3 Nature and landscape preservation Bioenergy Production Transport