Noel Cole, Coordinator Michigan Department of Education, Office of Early Childhood Education and Family Services Kelli Jolly, Trainer and TA Clinton County RESA, Office of Innovative Projects Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Updates
Agenda 1. Welcome 2. Preschool Outcomes (Indicator B-7) a. Trends in performance data b. Understanding the decrease in performance c. Strategies for improving data collection and reporting d. Regional training 3. Child Outcomes Manual Update Preschool Education Environments (Indicator B-6) a. New codes in the MSDS b. Improving Quality Inclusion Programs Training 4. Transition (Indicator B-12) a. B-12 verification b. Updated Transition Guide 5. ARRA Funds
Early Childhood Special Education Federal Indicators Preschool Special Education Environments Preschool Outcomes Early Childhood Transition
Preschool Outcomes Percent of preschool children with improved : Positive social-emotional skills Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills Use of appropriate behaviors
Trends in performance data Positive Social-Emotional Skills Summary Statement 1: Of those children who entered the program below expectation in Outcome A, the percent who substantially increased their rate of growth by the time they turned six years of age or exited the program. FFYBaselineTargetActual % % 85.5% % 81.1% Summary Statement 2: The percent of children who were functioning within age expectations in Outcome A by the time they turned six years of age or exited the program. FFYBaselineTargetActual % % 59.8% % 56.5%
Trends in performance data Acquiring and Using Knowledge and Skills Summary Statement 1: Of those children who entered the program below expectation in Outcome B, the percent who substantially increased their rate of growth by the time they turned six years of age or exited the program. FFYBaselineTargetActual % % 86.8% % 82.1% Summary Statement 2: The percent of children who were functioning within age expectations in Outcome B by the time they turned six years of age or exited the program. FFYBaselineTargetActual % % 58.2% % 56.6%
Trends in performance data Use of Appropriate Behaviors to Meet Needs Summary Statement 1: Of those children who entered the program below expectation in Outcome C, the percent who substantially increased their rate of growth by the time they turned six years of age or exited the program. FFYBaselineTargetActual % % 87.7% % 80.6% Summary Statement 2: The percent of children who were functioning within age expectations in Outcome C by the time they turned six years of age or exited the program. FFYBaselineTargetActual % % 71.6% % 62.5%
Understanding the decrease in performance ECSE Population Change in data systems Missing data issues
Strategies for improving data collection and reporting Frequent data checks Increased TA Development of online TA materials
Regional Training through EOT&TA Child Outcomes Training, January 25 Regional Training, Spring 2012 Online Training Registration will be available at
Child Outcomes Manual Updated version of Outcomes Manual Online version
Preschool Educational Environments Percent of preschool children with IEPs who receive special education and related services in setting with typically developing peers (e.g., early childhood settings, home, and part-time early childhood/part-time early childhood special education setting). (20 U.S.C. 1416(a) (3) (A))
New codes in the MSDS Available on CEPI website at 986_50502_ ,00.html 986_50502_ ,00.html Preschool Educational Environments Decision Tree and Worksheet that have been used in hard copy have crosswalks to MSDS codes on ECSE website (see resources) Preschool Educational Environments Data is due in MSDS with the Special Education Child Count on October 5 Data for the is NOT going to be reported in the APR or to districts. Expected to be reported to OSEP for school year.
Improving Quality Inclusion Programs Training Quality Inclusion Strategies Individual Child Focused Strategies Collaborative Inclusion Strategies for Early Childhood Special Education and Regular Education Teachers
Early Childhood Transition Percent of children referred by Part C Prior to age 3, found eligible for Part B and had an IEP developed and implemented by the third birthday.
B-12 Verification Updates B-12 Data Verification Activity is in the CIMS system B-12 Data Verification Activity is to be done by ISD CIMS Coordinators Collaboration is necessary between Early On and LEAs to complete this activity Verified spreadsheets are due into the CIMS system by October 4
Transition Guide Has been updated since the school year to reflect: Changes in compliance definitions from OSEP Description of compliance and improvement activities
ARRA Funds MUST be allocated by September 30 AND spent by November 29 Implications for not spending funds Communication from MDE
Resources ECSE Webpage EOT&TA Webpage National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (NECTAC) Early Childhood Outcomes Center Continuous Improvement and Monitoring System (CIMS) National Transition Center