WINTER 2012 NERIC DW CIO MEETING Mary McGeoch, NERIC DW Manager Gail Mathias, Program Coordinator II Michael Bastian, Program Coordinator I
REMINDERS ONLY upload (A.K.A Lock and Load) each template ONCE per day (REMEMBER: Friday – Sunday act as one day.) If you push up program services, for example, more than once per day, NO information moves to the state. This can wreak havoc with reports especially when SED deadlines are looming! This is true for demographics, enrollment……too. When locking program services, ALWAYS Select ALL. If you do NOT select all, the only program services that will go to Level 2 are the ones you selected. ALL others will be deleted. For example, if you only push up Poverty, ALL disabilities and other categories will be purged at the state level and your accountability reports will show no students with disabilities. If you have verification errors, those areas will uncheck. If you do not fix those errors and reselect ALL, those areas will not upload to Level 2. SIRS Guidance – No manual, but the page is now searchable.
WHAT’S NEW? NEW Beginning enrollment code: 0055 – Enrolled for instructional reporting only (to be used for reporting students where the reporting entity does not have Title 1 accountability or CSE responsibility for the student – ex: BOCES) NEW Ending enrollment codes: 8338 – court placed in a program that does not lead to a HS diploma and is not an approved GED program (this was actually introduced for ). 1089 – transferred to an approved GED program outside this district (use for court placements who transfer to an approved GED) 0066 – ended enrollment for instructional purposes only (to be used to close enrollment records with a begin enrollment code of 0055)
DISTRICT OF RESIDENCE Field 41 (District Code of Residence) of the Student Lite template is now required If the student changes his/her District of Residence AFTER BEDS day, this data element DOES NOT change If the student is a resident of a state other than New York, use district code “ ” If the student was not enrolled in this LEA on BEDS day, use the District of Residence information gathered when the student registered in the district. to-Post-Oct pdf to-Post-Oct pdf
UNIVERSAL PRE-K Change grade level from PK to PKF (pre-kindergarten full day) and PKH (prekindergarten half day). Populate on Enrollment record Pre-Kindergarten program service Indicator of whether the PK student is: In a UPK program (program service code 902 ) or In an “other” PK program (program service code 990 ). New program service codes. [Either 902 or 990 program service record MUST be provided for each student that has a grade level of PKF or PKH].
UNIVERSAL PRE-K If the student is in a UPK program “902”, UPK setting program service record must be provided from the table below: Type of UPK setting 1309 District-operated 1320 Day care center 1331 Head Start 1342 Family or Group Day Care 1353 Nursery School 1364 BOCES 1375 Special Ed 4410 Preschool 1386 Nonpublic School 1397 Museum 1408 Library 1419 Other
TITLE I TARGETED ASSISTANCE Types of Title 1 services provided in targeted assistance programs. For students who are served by a Targeted Assistance Program, in addition to their 0286 TA program service, you MUST report at least one (but can be multiple) Type of Title 1 services provided in targeted assistance program service record from the following list: 0803 Reading/Language Arts 0814 Mathematics 0825 Science 0836 Social Sciences 0847 Vocational/Career 0858 Other Instructional Services 0869 Health, Dental and Eye Care 0880 Supporting Guidance/Advocacy 0891 Other Support Services
BOCES REPORTING Initially, BOCES was scheduled to start reporting data in the school year BOCES will be required to report starting with the school year
CIVIL RIGHTS DATA COLLECTION The Federal Department of Education has informed the state the ALL districts MUST participate in the Civil Rights Data Collection this year. In the past, only selected districts were required to report. Some of the data is currently available in your SIS but other is not. This data will NOT be pulled from the SIRS and will be due sometime this summer (possibly August). FAQ about the Federal Civil Rights Data Collection can be found at:
ONE DAY RULE This year the transition to the One Day rule is complete. Students who are enrolled in the district one day or longer are now included in the Grad Rate accountability group. Complete information on the Cohort Changes can be found at ort%20changes%20-%20schematic.pdf ort%20changes%20-%20schematic.pdf
LOCATION MARKING PERIOD New Location Marking Period template, along with dimension values defined in the Marking Period Code template, allow management of both Marking Period and Term by location. Cannot be loaded through Level 0.Location Marking Period Only Final Grades will be reported for and school years. Marking Period – Use the last Marking Period that a report card is issued for a course. Example, for a 4 Report Card school, a full year course would report the Final Grade as MP4, a Semester One course would use MP2 (since the course ends MP2) and a Semester Two course would use MP4 (since the course ends MP4.) Term – Suggestion: 0 for Full Year, 1 for Semester 1, 2 for Semester 2 Must define each Final Marking Period/Term combination for all reportable schools including Elementary schools.
STAFF-STUDENT-COURSE This is a new template used for dual purposes: It will be used to collect the underlying data needed for teacher evaluation It will also be used to collect information that can be used to generate class rosters
STAFF-STUDENT-COURSE You will note that the template includes a “Reporting Date”. This date is an important differentiator regarding the purpose of the data being reported. If the data are being reported for roster purposes, the reporting date is June 30, 2012 regardless of the actual date the course ended. If the data are being reported for teacher evaluation purposes, the reporting date is defined as the first date of the state assessment period associated with that course.
STAFF-STUDENT-COURSE The remaining fields in this template define the metrics for determining the amount of time an individual student was engaged in instruction by an individual teacher You will note that this metric accounts for student attendance, but not teacher attendance Staff/Student/Course template Staff/Student/Course template
STUDENT CLASS GRADE DETAIL TEMPLATE Replaces Student Grade templateStudent Grade Used to collect Student Grades, Pass/Fail and Credits awarded For , only Numeric Final grades associated with Regents exams are required; all other grades are optional. If others are reported, make sure you’ve defined those marking periods too. Includes an indicator distinguishing a Final Grade that was computed using a Regents score versus those that were not Includes a new Pass/Fail Indicator; this is required for both ES courses leading to a state assessment and HS Regents courses Includes new fields for reporting Credits Attempted and Credits Earned
ASSESSMENT ACCOMMODATIONS Assessment accommodations will be scanned from the answer sheet used during test administration. We expect to be able to load these for you if we are loading your scores. If this is not possible, we will let you know. Assessment accommodations For any assessments that do not use a scan able answer sheet, testing accommodations will be recorded in the appropriate student system and exported to the data warehouse using the Assessment Acc Mod Fact template A list of revised assessment accommodations will become effective beginning with the ELA and Math assessments during the April/May 2012 time frame.
STAFF EVALUATION RATING Legislation requires that assessments be used in the teacher evaluation process Teachers will be evaluated on the following basis: 20% of evaluation based on state assessments 20% based on local assessments 60% based on local observation and evaluation techniques These three scores will result in an overall evaluation rating on a scale of 1-4. This new template is designed to collect the component scores as well as the final overall evaluation rating. Likely that most districts will use their Human Resource software to report this. SED suggests using the TEACH ID as the Local ID in the HR system. Staff ID must match what is reported by SIS. Additional guidance about this template will be provided in the future.
RESOURCES Ken Wagner May 2011 memo CourseDataCollection-final pdf CourseDataCollection-final pdf New Collection Requirements for SIRS Guidance 12SIRSGuidance/NEWER/TeacherCourseReportingRules doc 12SIRSGuidance/NEWER/TeacherCourseReportingRules doc Updated APPR guidance
DATA COLLECTION Student Management Systems SIFE collection (Students with Interrupted Formal Education) Parent/student linkages Principal/student linkages Daily attendance and tardy (Negative Attendance) NYSSIS ID – possible it might be used more in the future. Please wait for further guidance. Human Resource Systems Teacher tenure Teacher active flag, hire & end date - when they leave employment Course Catalog SMS Certification Center REMINDER: The list above is subject to change.
QUESTIONS? Please remember to use out DW Hotlines: These are shared hotlines and our coordinators check these sources before their individual accounts. If you are already working with someone on an issue, please indicate this in your so that it can be directed to them if possible. Need Training? Please Thank you for coming!
Extending the World of School. Secure Access, Anytime, Anywhere 21 st Century Learning Environment for 21 st Century Students Centralized Online Location for School Resources Powerful School Data Dashboards and Reporting Tools Work More Efficiently with Online Forms and Workflows NERIC Connect
Secure Access to the Classroom, Anytime. Anywhere. Powerful School Data Dashboards and Reporting Tools View Grades, Exam Scores, Class Rosters, Schedules, Attendance and Discipline Reports, Securely In Your Browser View Data From Multiple Sources : Student Information System, Special Education Data, School Lunch Program, etc. View Secure Data That Is Specific to the User Teachers Can Track Student Progress Administrators Can Monitor District Performance
Challenges Faced by Our Districts APPR Race to the Top Response to Intervention Reliable, real-time, integrated data collection and reporting system
Multiple Measures of Data Demographics Access to school and district demographics, attendance, and disability records. Student Learning Review district-wide performance for annual assessments, grades, teacher comments, and interim reports. Perceptions Monitor student and faculty participation in school/district-wide discussions, surveys, blogs, wikis… and participate themselves. School Process Review AIS or enrichment programs, extra-curricular activities, other additional assistance programs, etc. Soon to include: monitor instructional strategies, learning strategies, and classroom management.
Interested in learning more about NERIC Connect? Find out more at: Contact: Mike Bastian, NERIC Connect Coordinator NERIC Connect
NERIC DataFlow provides an automated process for moving data from a number of Student Information and Special Education Systems directly to Level 0 of the Data Warehouse. This is currently available as a value-added service for districts subscribing to NERIC- supported Student Information and Special Education Systems. Interested districts, who are not currently subscribing to services for NERIC-supported SIS &SPED system, please call for a quote. NERIC DataFlow automates the daily extraction of Student Demographic, Enrollment and Program Services data from the source system. Level 0 import rules are applied to the extracted data, error reports are generated on a daily basis and the data that passes the edit checks is written directly to Level 0. This automated process eliminates the need to manually extract files for import into Level 0 and attention can be given to correcting errors in the source system— on a daily basis. COMING SOON! Staff Snapshot, Course, and Program services from NutriKids, SIS, and SPED. (Please note: Centris does charge an annual fee to connect IEP Direct.) Questions? Please or or call and ask for Mary McGeoch or John