KTTUFSD presentation to KENMORE ROTARY CLUB September 29, 2008
CORE IDEOLOGY-Core Values Passion for Excellence Respect for All Trust Empathy Integrity Team Work
CORE IDEOLOGY-Purpose We educate, prepare, and inspire all students to achieve their highest potential
ENVISIONED FUTURE: District Goal Be the premier school district in New York State by 2020.
Envisioned Future: Vivid Descriptions The Ken-Ton School District will hold instant name recognition as the premier leader in education. Our alumni will share with us that their education successfully prepared them for all future endeavors. The best and brightest educators will be attracted to our district. The high quality of Ken-Ton education, and what we value, will continually attract families to our community. We will have first class facilities that are a model for other districts. By virtue of our success we will have an extreme sense of pride within our community.
District Goals-What is the impact? Support District wide leadership enhancement and efficacy Optimize student diversity Improve Public Relations Ensure safe learning environments Complete a facilities improvement plan Support increased student achievement, aligned curriculum and allocation of resources
Edison Percent at Levels 3 and 4 ELAMATH
ELA Franklin Elem Percent at Levels 3 and 4
Hamilton Percent at Levels 3 and 4 MATHELA
Holmes Percent at Levels 3 and 4 MATHELA
Hoover Elem Percent at Levels 3 and 4 ELA MATH
Jefferson Percent at Levels 3 and 4 ELA MATH
Lindbergh Percent at Levels 3 and 4 ELAMATH
Roosevelt Percent at Levels 3 and 4 ELAMATH
Franklin Middle School Percent at Levels 3 and 4 ELAMATH
Hoover Middle School Percent at Levels 3 and 4 ELA MATH
Kenmore Middle School Percent at Levels 3 and 4 ELAMATH
Kenmore East Percent at Levels 3 and 4 ELAMATH A JAN
Kenmore East Total Cohort Graduation Rates
Kenmore West Cohort Graduation Rates
Kenmore West Percent at Levels 3 and 4 ELAMATH A JAN
Here are just some of our recent achievements: The Ken-Ton School District welcomed Destiny, an advanced computer program that allows students to access school library and Internet resources from any computer. Benjamin Franklin Middle School launched Positive Behavior Management Program. 24 of 26 Ken-Ton varsity squad sports teams were noted as scholar-athlete teams with academic averages of 90 percent or higher.
The Kenmore East Dixieland Band won a battle of the bands and were rewarded by performing at The Big Easy in Buffalo Mardi Gras Jam sponsored by Music is Art. Kenmore West and East offering all-time high in AP and Elective courses. Both Your Hands-Interact Club at Kenmore West raised money to build a school for orphans in Kenya.
Holmes Elementary School collected supplies for soldiers in Afghanistan. Ken-Ton began an SRO program this year in collaboration with our Town. New surveillance cameras also with a Town grant this year. The Ken-Ton Family Support Center helps students succeed. The Ken-Ton Staff Development Center celebrates twenty years of building professionals.
Kenmore West art student won Allentown Art Festival design contest. Her design will be the official poster for the Festival this year. 100 music students from Kenmore East traveled to New Orleans bringing $15,000 and musical instruments to area high schools to help build programs lost by Katrina. Praxair Technology and Holmes Elementary School team up to raise money for Gilda’s Club.
To date the athletic program in the Ken- Ton School District includes: 76 High School teams, 30 Modified teams, 24 Extramural teams, Elementary Play Days, and after school programs with a total of 4951(58%)students who have participated. The Kenmore East Model UN Team took first place in the 2008 Model United Nations General Assembly Competition.
TOTAL Budget INCREASE: $6,764, %
Tax Rate Percentage Increases
We are working on… New teacher and administrative evaluation systems Required building instructional improvement plans New five year facilities plan Fixing building “eyesores” Literacy “Real” assessments