OSEP Strand : IDEAs That Work: Session 2: Innovation and Improvement Tools, Training, and Resources: Instant Access Free of Charge Larry Wexler Renée Bradley.


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Presentation transcript:

OSEP Strand : IDEAs That Work: Session 2: Innovation and Improvement Tools, Training, and Resources: Instant Access Free of Charge Larry Wexler Renée Bradley U.S. Office of Special Education Programs CEC 2013

The Technical Assistance Coordination Center (TACC) supports and increases ongoing communication, collaboration, and coordination among the 40+ centers in OSEP's Technical Assistance and Dissemination (TA&D) Network, to ensure that states have high-quality, coordinated TA focused on improving educational results and functional outcomes for infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities and their families.

NECTAC serves Part C-Infant and Toddlers with Disabilities Programs and Part B-Section 619 Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities in all 50 states and 10 jurisdictions to improve service systems and outcomes for children and families. The Center’s mission is to strengthen state and local service systems to ensure that children with disabilities (birth through 5 years) and their families receive and benefit from high-quality, evidence-based, culturally appropriate, and family-centered supports and services.

The National Center on Intensive Interventions (NCII) is housed at the American Institutes for Research, and works in conjunction with many of our nation’s most distinguished data-based individualization (DBI) experts. It is funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and is part of OSEP’s Technical Assistance and Dissemination Network (TA&D).

The IRIS Center is a national center that aims to provide high-quality resources for college and university faculty and professional development providers about students with disabilities birth to twenty one.

The Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) gives schools capacity-building information and technical assistance for identifying, adapting, and sustaining effective school-wide behavioral practices.

The IDEA Partnership facilitates interaction and shared work across professional and family organizations around common interests. In the pursuit of real and lasting change, two approaches are used: 1) a focus on bringing stakeholders into the work of states as allies, and 2) a focus on broadly sharing the lessons learned with organizations.

The National Center on Response to Intervention’s mission is to provide technical assistance to states and districts and build the capacity of states to assist districts in implementing proven models for RTI/EIS. The Center’s work focuses on knowledge production, expert trainings, implementation supports, and information dissemination activities.

The National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials serves as a resource to state- and district-level educators, parents, publishers, conversion houses, accessible media producers, and others interested in learning more about and implementing accessible instructional materials and the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS).

The ALLIANCE National Parent Technical Assistance Center (NPTAC) provides Parent Centers, Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs) and Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs), with innovative technical assistance, up-to-date information, and high quality resources and materials.

The mission of the Data Accountability Center (DAC) is to support the submission and analysis of high- quality IDEA data by reviewing data collection and analysis and providing technical assistance to improve state capacity to meet data requirements.