ASEAN Regional Forum Seminar on Narcotics Control September 2007, Xian, China
FOCAL POINT OF ILLICIT DRUG TRAFFICKING : Mr. Arief Sumarwoto,SH,MHum CHIEF OF Law Enforcement Division of NNB (National Narcotics Board) CELL: PHONE: ext arto Mr. Indradi Thanos Director Of Narcotics Directorate of INP (Indonesian National Police) Cell: Telp:
Public Participation in Narcotics Control I.Preventing use, trafficking and production of illicit drugs : 1.Family Base Prevention 2.School Base Prevention 3.Workplace Base Prevention 4.Community Base Prevention
1.Family Base Prevention Healthy live skill education. Religious/moral education. Enhancement participation of Healthy Families in prevention drugs abuse. Counseling service to the drug users family. Providing equipment and facilities. Enhancement Family Awareness of drug abuser risks.
2. School Base Prevention Human Resource Development includes teachers/lectures and students To implement positive extra activities to students at their leisure time Drugs counseling service to students Student awareness of drug risks through mass media and interpersonal media
3.Workplace Based Prevention Human Resource Development (manager, labor association and employees). Enhancement employee awareness by conducting lectures, seminar, workshop. Involving Company leaders in drugs abuse prevention. To implement of drug abuse prevention education to the employees
4.Community Base Prevention Human resources development in public; figure of youth, religion, women, NGOs. Community awareness regarding drug abuse and its risks through mass media: radio, tv, cyber, magazine, news paper, brochure and interpersonal; exhibition and lectures. Drugs Abuse Prevention education in the community area.
II.Drug treatment and rehabilitation 1.Cooperation and coordination with Interrelated Department and NGOs as service providers in closing setting. 2.Furnishings and vocational training for comprehensive service to the T&R 3.Enhance the human resources of T&R Community Base. 4.Implementation harm reduction policy
III.Alternative Development 1.Promote partnership with national private companies, as well as multi-national companies in the planning and funding for implementation of the program. 2.Conducting seminar and workshop related to AD 3.Promote the participation of the prominent figure of the local society 4.Conducting survey to the ground.