B.06 Research and Teaching in Graphics Christoph M. Hoffmann, PI Research Team: John Turek, Vet Richard Borgens, Vet Paul Robinson, Biol Elisha Sacks, CS, Viz Ctr C. Bajaj, CS, Texas J. Peters, CS, Florida
The Situation in early 1997 Predominantly Sun and SGI workstations Graphics synonymous with SGI PCs perceived as low-end word processor and spread sheet tools Our colleagues swore by Unix Intel stock in $15 - $20 range
Teaching Lab (CS 175) (Hoffmann) 1997: Eight graphics PC, a server Hosting CS 435, Undergraduate Graphics 1997 – using J – and beyond: using OpenGL and Glut
Summary: PC Graphics In 1997, a radical suggestion Today, an accepted reality: Students increasingly on PCs Work also on their own machines Competent, well-priced hardware
Research 1. Mechanism Analysis (Sacks) 2. Situation Awareness (Hoffmann) 3. Extra-Cellular Matrix (Robinson) 4. Cristal Lab (Turek) 5. Other projects Image analysis and model extraction Animating algorithms for teaching Parametric design, and more
Mechanism Analysis (Sacks) Configuration space analysis of mechanisms with intermittent contact (C- space) Highly visual Identifies why a design works or doesn’t Applications: MEMS Automotive Consumer goods
Geneva Mechanism Intermittent motion: C-space diagrams show why bottom designs fail
MEMS Applications Weapons assurance device: C-space eliminates build-and-bust approach used before
Automotive Applications Automatic transmission analyzed for Ford
Consumer Goods Application Film advancement mechanism analyzed for Fuji
Situation Awareness (Hoffmann) Visualization and motion of large numbers of platforms Geometric analysis to extract mission critical information Pre-attentive information presentation to military decision makers
A Tight Spot
Proximity Analysis with underlying data structures
Extracellular Matrix (Robinson) Collagen matrix that hosts the cells Special tissue synthesis Confocal imagery to analyze tissue
Structure extraction and representation using the medial axis transform
John Turek Chandrajit Bajaj, Richard Borgens Core Laboratory for Image Analysis & Multidimensional Applications: Division of the Purdue Center for Image Analysis & Data Visualization Basic Medical Sciences School of Veterinary Medicine Lab
Implementation of a multiresolution client- server environment for fast navigation and search of high-resolution image databases (JJ Turek, CA Bouman-Electrical and Computer Engineering) 3D visualization and quantification of the effects of IGF-1 on the morphology of chick embryo leg muscles. (J McCleerey; IU School of Medicine, JJ Turek, P Mitchell, K Hannon; Basic Medical Sciences) Analysis of hair texture as a corollary to health using scanning electron microscopy and wavelet decomposition analysis. ( JJ Turek) Research
Viewed image on client Predictive pre-fetching region in the wavelet domain Buffered client data Server image data X-Y translation within image database Increase/decrease resolution Model of dynamic navigation and browsing of high-resolution image database via pre fetching and warping-decompression
In Conclusion Equipment put to good use Important support for our teaching and research Would like to ask you again…