Romeo and Juliet By: Elisha creef
Background on Shakespeare Shakespeare was born in 1564 on an unknown true date. He wrote 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other works. Most of his work was between 1589 and 1613 and at first he wrote mainly histories and comedies. He quit writing in 1613 and died 3 years later. (“
Romeo and Juliet in art All of the pictures I have show Romeo and Juliet expressing their love. Most of the picture I found only dealt with Romeo and Juliet and not very many of the other characters. Also 3 of the 4 pictures are of the balcony scene which is definitely the most popular scene in the play and gets the most emphasis from artist’s works. (“ and-Juliet.htm”) (“ Juliet:-Test-of-Bonds%22”) (“ alog/index.php?main_page=pro duct_info&products_id=2900”) (“ are-you-too-clingy/”)
Romeo and Juliet in Films (“ kespeares_romeo_and_juliet_movie_poster.j pg”) kespeares_romeo_and_juliet_movie_poster.j pg There has been several movies made about Romeo and Juliet, but this is the newest version of it and it portrays the story very well. It can help people understand it more since it is in a newer story type. It is a good movie and came out 1996 vs. the 30’s version and 70’s version it helps a lot.