The Duel for North America 1608 – 1763 By: Mr. Michael R. Kahoe Del Valle High School
France Finds a Foothold in Canada France got involved in world colonization late Port Royal (1604) Quebec (1608) on St. Lawrence River Claimed by Samuel de Champlain Formed an alliance with Huron tribe Upsets the Iroquois
France Finds a Foothold in Canada King Louis XIV (1643-1715) – took a deep interest in the colonies
France Finds a Foothold in Canada New France Completely autocratic No representative assemblies Pop. grew very slowly 1750 – only 6,000 French
New France Fans Out The beaver proved to be very valuable Used beaver pelt for hats back in Europe Coureurs de bois – “runners of the woods” Rough and tumble adventurers Explored North America Baton Rouge Terre Haute Des Moines Grand Teton
New France Fans Out French recruited Indians in the fur trade Natives negatively affected by their presence Disease Violated religious beliefs Alcoholism Ecological damage (killing off beaver)
New France Fans Out Jesuits – French catholic missionaries Tried to convert Indians Served as explorers and geographers
Fur Trading Posts
New France Fans Out Antoine Cadillac – founded Detroit (“the city of the straits”) Robert de la Salle Sailed down the Mississippi Claimed the surroundings for France Named it Louisiana (after Louis XIV) Dies in Spanish Texas New Orleans (1718)
Clash of Empires King William’s War (1689-1697) and Queen Anne’s War (1702-1713) British colonists versus French coureur de dois Each side had Indian allies Used primitive guerilla warfare French & Indians attacked Schenectady, NY and Deerfield, Mass. Spain allies with French
Clash of Empires British colonist took Port Royal in Acadia Peace signed at Utrecht in 1713 British get Acadia (rename Nova Scotia), Newfoundland & Hudson Bay French colonial empire greatly reduced
Clash of Empires King George’s War 1739 – Started with War of Jenkin’s Ear British Captain Jenkins stopped by Spanish revenue authorities He was accused of smuggling Spanish captain cut off his ear Started in Caribbean sea & Georgia Later became part of the War of Austrian Succession France joins on Spain's side British capture fortress Louisbourg 1748 treaty gave it back to French Colonists upset
George Washington Inaugurates War with France Ohio Valley disputed by colonists and France Colonists wanted to expand west France wanted control of the fur trade and link its territories 1749 – Virginian speculators secured “rights” to the region But French were building forts along Ohio River Fort Duquesne
George Washington Inaugurates War with France 1754 – G. Washington sent to secure the claims Lt. Colonel Has 150 militia men Encounters a few French troops near Ft. Duquesne and opens fire French retreat Washington hastily builds Ft. Necessity French return and lay siege Washington surrenders
Ft. Necessity
Global War & Colonial Disunity The Seven Years War (French & Indian War) started in America France Spain Austria Russia Britain Prussia Vs. 1754 Albany Congress discuss defense Keeping Iroquois loyal
Franklin’s Cartoon
British-American Colonial Tensions Colonials British Methods of Fighting: Indian-style guerilla tactics. March in formation or bayonet charge. Military Organization: Col. militias served under own captains. Br. officers wanted to take charge of colonials. Military Discipline: No mil. deference or protocols observed. Drills & tough discipline. Finances: Resistance to rising taxes. Colonists should pay for their own defense. Demeanor: Casual, non-professionals. Prima Donna Br. officers with servants & tea settings.
Braddock’s Blundering The war started off badly for British 1755 General Edward “Bulldog” Braddock sent to America 60 yr old vet from European wars Had 2,000 men (British regulars & colonial “buckskin”)
Braddock’s Blundering Braddock encounters a small French & Indian force near Ft. Duquesne He repels them They return and attack from the outskirts and decimate his force Braddock mortally wounded
Braddock’s Blundering Washington’s Legend Begins During encounter, Washington, seems invincible 2 of his horses are shot from under him 4 bullets pierce his coat
Braddock’s Blundering Indians take opportunity to go on warpath throughout colonies Colonists offer bounties for Indian scalps $50 for women $130 for braves
Pitt’s Palms of Victory William Pitt – the “Great Commoner” was a well loved leader & great orator 1757 – took charge of the war Concentrated on Quebec & Montreal area Picked young and energetic leaders Dumped old fuddy-duddies 1758 – Louisbourg falls 1759 – Quebec falls thanks to leadership of James Wolfe 1760 – Montreal falls
Treaty of Paris (1763) England gets French territory in N. America Spain gets Louisiana Spain gave England Florida in exchange for Cuba England severely in debt
North America in 1763
Restless Colonists Intercolonial Disunity – caused by: Distances Geographical barriers Conflicting religions Different nationalities Different governments After war America was a bit more unified
Restless Colonists Results of War Colonists more confident Shattered myth of British invincibility Friction develops Demoted Washington to Captain British leaders called colonists “scum”, and “outhouse of civilization” Colonists did not full support cause Reluctant to fight Traded with enemy
War’s Fateful Aftermath Expansion possible Natives had to deal solely with British Chief Pontiac – Ottawa chief who led several tribes against colonists in Ohio in 1763 Killed 2,000 Colonists use biological warfare (smallpox)
Pontiac’s Rebellion
Proclamation Line of 1763 Prevents settlement past the Appalachian Mts. To prevent further Indian uprising Upset colonists ignore it