EUROPEAN UNION Regional Responses to Disaster Relief: Civil Military Cooperation and Coordination ARF DoD, Vietnam, 18/03/2010 Helena Boguslawska, Crisis Management and Planning Directorate, EU Council Secretariat
Civ-mil cooperation & coordination in the EU What it is? Lisbon Treaty Regional Responses to Disaster Relief: Civil Military Cooperation and Coordination Civ-mil cooperation & coordination in the EU What it is? Lisbon Treaty Examples (Chad, anti-piracy) Civ-mil cooperation & coordination in disaster relief Origins Ongoing work and prospects
Civ-mil cooperation & coordination in the EU What it is? Crisis management under Common Security and Defence Policy (as part of Foreign and Security Policy) Military Civilian (police, rule of law, civ. administration) Integrated (civ-mil) strategic planning Developing rapidly: 23 operations since 2003 and growing demand for further missions EU trademark: comprehensive approach (incl. all external assistance instruments: humanitarian, development aid, …) Working in partnerships in the crisis management field (with the UN, NATO, AU, OSCE, ASEAN, Third States …)
Areas Covered by EU Crisis Management Peace-keeping/-making Police Security Sector Reform Civilian/Military Mentoring, Monitoring and Advising Rule of Law Humanitarian/Rescue Tasks Civilian administration Civil protection Monitoring
EU Crisis Management – Rapid Response resources MILITARY 2 battlegroups on stand-by 1500 troops each + air & naval components Deployable in 5-10 days CIVILIAN Crisis Response Teams - pool of 200 civilian experts deployable in 5 days Integrated Police Units – ready to serve under military or civilian command Rapid Response Ressources
Civ-mil cooperation & coordination in the EU Lisbon Treaty – sign of further coherence: hollistic approach in external action : widened objectives (incl. democracy, peace, environment, multilateralism, … and assist populations, countries and regions confronting natural and man-made disasters) clauses on solidarity as well as mutual aid and assistance decision-making in external action: European Council : sets objectives EU Council (MFA+MoD): decisions/ coherence High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission: conduct establishment of a European External Action Service under the High Representative (civ and mil structures)
Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) 23 Civilian and Military Operations, 2003 - 2010 EULEX KOSOVO EUPM (Bosnia and Herzegovina) EUPOL PROXIMA (fYROM) 2004-5 EUPAT (fYROM) 2006 EUROPE CONCORDIA (fYROM) 2003 EUJUST THEMIS (Georgia) 2004-5 EUFOR ALTHEA (Bosnia and Herzegovina) EUMM GEORGIA EUFOR TCHAD/RCA (Chad and CAR) 2008-9 EUPOL AFGHANISTAN AFRICA EUJUST LEX (Iraq/Brussels) AMIS II Assistance (Sudan/Darfur) 2005-8 MIDDLE EAST EU SSR Guinea Bissau EUBAM Rafah (Palestinian Territories) EUSEC DRC (DR Congo) ASIA EUPOL COPPS (Palestinian Territories) EUPOL DRC (DR Congo) EUFOR DRC (DR Congo) 2006 EUPOL Kinshasa (DR Congo) 2005-7 ATALANTA (HoA Maritime Security) AMM Monitoring Mission, 2005-6 (Aceh/Indonesia) ARTEMIS (DR Congo) 2003 EUTM Somalia (in preparation civilian military completed
Civ-mil cooperation & coordination in the making Complementary mil. and civ. operations in the same theatre Integrated missions (ex. mil. experts in civilian capacity; integrated police units under mil. command; different civilian activities in one mission ) Integrated strategic planning (civ-mil) – ex. EUMM Georgia 2008 Horizontal civil-military domains: training, intelligence, satellite imagery... Coordination in capability development And on the top of all this: crisis management, humanitarian aid, development efforts brought together…
Civ-mil cooperation & coordination in the making Chad / Central African Republic EUFOR Tchad/RCA – bridging mil operation 2008-9 at UN request, ca 3700 troops (EU+ Russia, Albania, Croatia) EUR 15m in support of MINURCAT police programme protecting refugee camps Election census in Chad EUR 6,5m for security system reform in the Central African Republic Development aid in support of Reinforcement of administration in Chad and CAR Overall economic development + EUR 10m programme in the area of EUFOR deployement.
Civ-mil cooperation & coordination in the making Fighting piracy and its root causes Naval operation EU NAVFOR Atalanta (with NO and CR) and in coord. with partners (i.a. China, India, Japan, Malaysia, NATO, Russia, US,…) Support to Somali government (political, financial) Training of Somali Security Forces in Uganda (to start in May, EU support coordinated in a unique way with US and AU) Financial support to Kenyan judicial system in treating cases of pircacy suspects detained i.a. by EUNAVFOR Atalanta
Civ-mil cooperation & coordination in disaster relief Has been triggered by lessons learned from: Indian Ocean Tsunami, 2004/2005 (clearing house) Flooding in Algeria, 2006 (mil. transport) Haiti earthquake 2009 immediately EUR 400 earmarked for humanitarian assistance, reconstruction and longer-term development; info sharing/coordination cell at EU level on some 1600 troops deployed by EU Member States; European Gendarmerie Force of 300 personnel carrying EU insignia, placed under UN command within MINUSTAH
Civ-mil cooperation & coordination in disaster relief Ongoing work and prospects: Improving info flow and coordination Basket of rapid response civ. and mil. capabilities Graduated options Military means in support of civilian activities advance planning, coordination cell, team of civ/mil experts – rapidly deployable, self sustainable clearing house, support in planning, coord. of transportation or other key assets, poss. use of elements of battlegroups or multinational forces.
Civ-mil cooperation & coordination in disaster relief EU principles in use of military means for disaster relief: In support to civilian/humanitarian means Respecting responsibilities of national / local authorities Respecting key role of the UN In support of / complementing other EU instruments Working with partners
Working with Partners on EU Common Security and Defence Policy Contributions to CSDP Missions / Operations Overall, 24 Third States from all 5 continents have participated in 16 missions and operations Currently, 12 Third States are contributing to 7 missions Dialogue / Activities Formal and informal dialogue on crisis management in various fora Committee of Contributors: knowledge-sharing forum bringing together EU Member States and Third States participating in a given mission or operation Exercises, training, seminars Framework Participation Agreements for Third State contributions to CSDP missions and operations (in place with Canada, Iceland, Norway, Turkey, Ukraine) and Security Agreements