Yahweh is King Jesus is Lord
Creation Rebellion Redeemed Covenant People Exile Jesus Church Consummation
God Creator Sovereign Creation Good Ordered “Teeming” Humanity Genesis 1: image of God – rule the earth Genesis 2: formed by God – guard and serve earth
Creation connection (Proverbs 8, Job 28) “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom” Creation order : Worship order Ethical order : Choose life, not death Catechism Story Family life Covenant challenge
Human rebellion distorts created shalom. Violence Enslaving systems Whose mishpat ? Pharaoh Saul (1 Samuel 8:10-18) David Ahab
School of the prophets Nathan Elijah Elisha Writing prophets
Power via wisdom sustained critical reflection on lived experience in order to discern the hidden shape of reality in daily life family/tribal wisdom wisdom of the school and court to manage and master others international reputation and competition; “success”
international commercial trade in arms and luxury items taxation cheap labor royal military bureaucracy
the uncompromising “if” of covenant 1 Kings 3:14 1 Kings 6:12-13 1 Kings 9:6 indictment and sentence royal compromise violates Torah land loss choosing death
New community of the new covenant redemption from the alienation of sin by the cross new covenant community “in Christ” Jesus brings abundant life
community of aliens and exiles chosen race royal priesthood holy nation God’s own people
Christ gives new life to those who were dead in disobedience, strangers, without hope, without God Christ reconciles enemies into a new community which he equips to make known the mystery of God Christ teaches his followers to make disciples, teaching everything that he commanded Christ offers abundant life, peace, a new Jerusalem of light and life