University of Georgia School of Public Health UG
Initial assessment of the Master Program Status quo report List of objectives of the MA List of competencies to be achieved by graduates of the MA Target-groups for recruitment Accreditation documents and approvals necessary Decision of the University to start the MA Academic person in charge of the MA Administrative person in charge of the MA Assessment of existing infrastructure resources for the MA Assessment of existing teaching human resources for the MA
Status quo report Master of Public Health; Master of Health Administration; 120 ECTS National exam; National Qualification Frame – M.P.H. Bach – Health Administration; Bach – Nursing;
Status quo report 15 courses (6 ECTS) and master thesis (30 ECTS) School Core courses Totally - 24 ECTS 1. Public Health and Health Policy. 2. Bioethics and Health Legislation. 3. Health Management. 4. Health Economics and Insurance.
Status quo report Program Core courses - Totally 36 ECTS 1. Epidemiology and Biostatistics I. 2. Epidemiology and Biostatistics II. 3. Management of Significant and Socially Dangerous Diseases. 4. Environmental Factors and Health. 5. Managerial Economic. 6. Public Legislation.
Status quo report Progam Elective courses - Totally 24 ECTS Public Health Specialization: 1. Health Life Style and Behavior Change. 2. Health Program Planning, Management and Evaluation. 3. Health Quality Assurance. 4. Health Systems and Services.
Status quo report Progamme Elective courses totally 24 ECTS Health Policy Specialization: 1. Health Policy and International Health. 2. Health Institutions. 3. Social Policy. 4. Political Processes, Institutions and Management.
Status quo report Elective 6 ECTS 1. Medical Practice Administration; 2. Health Service Marketing; 3. Health Quality Assurance; 4. Financial Strategies and Risk Assurance; 5. Long-term Care; 6. Operational Management in Health; 7. Human Resources Management in Health
Internal regulations of the University regarding MA programs Internal Exam in English Admitione is for 10 Students Obligation for semester ECTS Accounting GPA every year and minimal average evaluation score is 70% Minimal passing grade is 51% for course Minimal passing grade for final exam is 70%
Course Evaluation Quiz – 15% Midterm Exam – 25% Final Exam – 35% Other Activities – 25%
Analysis of the political framework Ongoing reform; Installation of Bologna Process; State 10 point strategy for with Priority of Education, Health and Social well-fare.
Analysis of existing resources in the school Human Resources: 3 Full professor 4 Associate professor 3 Assistant professor 7 Invited professor 6 Affiliated Faculty (International)
Analysis of existing resources in the school Technical Resources: Online network for communication, management and evaluation, so called On-line UG Well equipped teaching facilities Annually upgraded library
Analysis of existing resources in the school MoU with leading Health organizations MoH NCDC Regional and Local Municipal Public Health Centers Hospitals Insurance Companies
Curricula characteristics Curricula and Syllabus of all courses developed in Native Language.
Curricula characteristics Teaching Methods Interactive lectures Discussions Debates Case Study Group Work Small Research Evening news Critical Analysis Exam (midterm and final) Term Paper Project Development.
Potential career paths on the labor market for graduates Program prepare professionals for work in interface of Public Health for research, planning, administration and policy development. After graduation, students will seek leadership and managerial positions in governmental, non-profit and private organizations in the healthcare sector.
Project website Developed on the first year of project lifecycle Most part of ICT in the frame of TEMPUS will purchased in Fall semester, after removing in new building.
Cooperation with TEMPUS Partners List of professors from other TEMPUS partners to teach at the MA - all partners rotation during project life-cycle Student mobility plan involving the other TEMPUS partners
Training the trainers course – UK Plan of including training results Experience of fieldwork; Short course for Social Work Management
Training the trainers course – Sweden Plan to include training results in the MA Interactive methods of teaching
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