Tutorial: Mechanic - electrician Topic: Technical training II. class Transistors 3 Prepared by: Melichařík Lubomír Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/ je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR - is a three-layer component comprised of various subsidized areas - emitter is, in contrast to the base, by several orders of magnitude more subsidized, has much more free charge carrier (NPN transistor with a common emitter) electrons, and they flood a thin area base - increase the positive voltage between the base and emitter thinning area without free carriers at the interface base and emitter - voltage around 0.6 V to 0.7 V (Si) starts PN junction base-emitter leading the electric current. This part of the transistor behaves as a classical semiconductor diode. - applying a positive voltage between the collector and emitter, the excess electrons will be extracted from the base toward the collector.
Conditions for correct operation of the transistor are : - A thin layer of base - the essence of the phenomenon of transistor. - emitter doped more than base - base doped more than the collector - in bipolar transistor lead current also holes - Therefore, this type of transistor is called "bipolar".
Basic connection Involvement of transistor amplifier with a common emitter.
In electronic circuits there can be a transistor connected four basic ways. According to the electrodes, which is common for input and output signal with a distinctive involvement: Involvement of a common emitter (SE) - reverse phase, current and voltage gain is much greater than 1
Involvement of the common base (SB) - non- reverse stage, a small current gain (Ai<1), very low input impedance, high voltage gain (similar size as that of SE), in connection with the use of switches or sources in part stabilization.
Involvement of the common collector (SC) (=Emitter follower) - non-reverse phase, a large input impedance, large current gain, voltage gain is less (<1), is used in monitoring the circuit.
1. Name the basic properties of the bipolar transistor. 2. Name the basic conditions for the proper functioning of the transistor.
1. Draw the circuit diagram of transistor amplifier with a common emitter. 2. Draw the circuit diagram of the transistor with a common emitter (SE). 3. Draw the circuit diagram of a transistor with a common base (SB). 4. Draw a connection transistor with a common-collector (SC).
Václav MalinaPoznáváme elektroniku I. Adrian Schommers Elektronika tajemství zbavená. ISBN