Environmental Science Chapter 3 The Dynamic Earth Mr. Manskopf All notes can be found at
Big Ideas ► The Earth is a dynamic system consisting of the geosphere, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the biosphere. ► The Earth’s geosphere is a complex system that is constantly changing impacting life on Earth. ► A thin mixture of gasses that surrounds our planet makes life on Earth possible in many ways. ► Life is contained in a very thin layer near the Earth’s surface that contains all that is needed for survival. ► Water is a simple, yet complex molecule that shapes our world landscape, moderates our climate, provides habitat and most of all makes life possible
Has Earth always looked this way? Will it always look this way?
Section 1: The Geosphere
Section 1 Goals ► Describe the main structure of the interior of the Earth ► How does the plate tectonic theory explain earthquakes, mountain building and volcanoes? ► Describe how wind and water alter Earth’s surface.
What is the Geosphere? ► Geosphere: consists of all the rocks, soil and loose rocks on Earth’ surface. ► Most inside of Earth ► About 6,000 km in radius
Earth’s Interior ► 3 main “layers” inside Earth ► Crust: Solid outer layer, very thin ► Composed of lighter elements ► Less than 1% of mass ► Thickest under continents (30 miles) ► Earthquakes, mountains, mining all take place here
Earth’s Interior ► Mantle: beneath the crust, makes up most of the mass ► Mostly liquid rock called magma ► More than 2,000 miles thick ► Convection currents moving liquid rock around
Earth’s Interior ► Core: innermost, hottest layer ► Made of very dense metals like iron and nickel ► HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON INSIDE THE EARTH?
Earth’s Interior
Plate Tectonic Theory Why don’t we get Earthquake in Camden?
Why do the earthquakes seem to follow a pattern?
Why do the locations of volcanoes form patterns?
Plate Tectonic Theory ► Crust is broken into large pieces that are slowly moving around ► Similar to chunks of ice floating on lake ► Most plates continent size ► Move about 2-5 cm/yr
Plate Tectonic Theory ► Plate Boundaries: where plates touch each other. ► Creates earthquake, mountains and sometimes volcanoes ► Convergent ► Divergent ► Transform
Earthquakes ► Vibrations of the Earth’s crust caused by rocks in the crust breaking ► Faults are cracks in crust MOST are located near plate boundaries ► Can we get Earthquakes in NJ???
Earthquakes ► Seismic Waves carry the energy of an earthquake through the Earth ► Measured on the Richter Scale
Earthquakes occur ALL the time What do you think kills most people in earthquakes? How can we build safer buildings and other structures?
Volcanoes ► Volcano is a mountain built by when lava cools on the surface of the crust ► Most common at Convergent and Divergent plate boundaries ► 75% of volcanoes in the Ring of Fire around Pacific Ocean
Volcanic Impacts ► Local Impacts: earthquakes, ash cloud, deadly gasses, mudslides ► Global Impacts: decreased temperatures due to ash blocking out sunlight
Rock Types ► Igneous Rocks: formed from cooled magma or lava ► Sedimentary Rocks: formed from compressed sediment like sand and mud ► Metamorphic Rocks: forms when other rocks are put under lots of heat and pressure
Rock Cycle ► nce/terc/content/investigations/es0602/es06 02page02.cfm nce/terc/content/investigations/es0602/es06 02page02.cfm nce/terc/content/investigations/es0602/es06 02page02.cfm
Will this mountain continue to grow forever? WHY?
Which mountains are older? How can you tell?
Wearing Down Earth’s Surface ► Plate Tectonics Builds Mountains and creates new rocks ► Erosion is the removal and transport of Earth materials like rocks ► Water is main agent of erosion on Earth ► Wind, waves, glaciers, and others
Section 1 Review ► Describe the main structure of the interior of the Earth ► How does the plate tectonic theory explain earthquakes, mountain building and volcanoes? ► Describe how wind and water alter Earth’s surface.
Section 2: The Atmosphere Goals ► Describe the composition of the atmosphere ► Describe the layers of the atmosphere ► Explain the 3 ways heat is transferred in the atmosphere ► Explain the greenhouse effect
Our Atmosphere ► Atmosphere: a THIN layer of gases surrounding our planet ► Makes life possible ► Provides vital gases for plants and animals ► Blocks out harmful sun rays ► Keeps temperature comfortable ► Burns up meteoroids
Our Atmosphere ► 78% Nitrogen ► 21% Oxygen ► 1% others like argon, methane, carbon dioxide ► Dust, dirt, bacteria, viruses, ash, air pollution, salt, skin, bits of cloths, etc.
Atmosphere is a dynamic place
Layers of Atmosphere ► Divided into 4 main layers according to changes in temperature
Layers of Atmosphere ► Troposphere: lowest layer, all weather occurs here, most dense layer, ► Temperature and air pressure drop quickly as altitude increases
Layers of Atmosphere ► Stratosphere: layer above troposphere, contains ozone layer which blocks out harmful UV sun rays ► Contains high levels of Ozone O 3
Layers of Atmosphere ► Mesosphere: coldest layer as low as -93 o C ► Thermosphere: hottest layer, but would not feel hot ???
Energy Transfer in Atmosphere
How does the air get warm? ► Radiation is the transfer of energy across space ► Stand out in the sun wearing a black shirt ► Sun 93 million miles away ► Travels at 186,000 mi/s ► Only about 50% of solar energy is absorbed by Earth’s surface
Energy Transfer ► Conduction: energy transfer when the 2 object with different temperatures touch ► Air touching the ground warms by conduction ► You touch a hot metal pan and burn your hand
Energy Transfer ► Convection: heat transfer by moving fluid (liquid or gas) ► Hot air rising off the warm ground ► Why does hot air rise?
Explain how out atmosphere warms? Why doesn’t all the heat escape into space?
Greenhouse Effect
► Gases in the atmosphere trap in heat not allowing it to escape into space ► Mainly CO 2, water vapor and methane gas ► Natural process, well understood for centuries ► Without those gases Earth is a very cold place
Our atmosphere is critical to life on Earth, yet is very thin and fragile
Section 2 Review ► Describe the composition of the atmosphere ► Describe the layers of the atmosphere ► Explain the 3 ways heat is transferred in the atmosphere ► Explain the greenhouse effect
Section 3: Hydrosphere and Biosphere ► Describe the main “steps” in the water cycle ► Explain how the ocean is a dynamic system of current, waves, and tides ► Explain why life is confined to the biosphere.
Hydrosphere Hydrosphere: includes all water on Earth Rivers, lakes, streams, groundwater, glaciers, water vapor, oceans, clouds, etc.
Water Cycle
Where is most water found? 97% in Oceans, less than 3% is fresh water Most freshwater is in glaciers and ice caps
Oceans Cover 70% of Earth’s surface
Ocean Water The sodium and chlorine NaCl form salt Why is it salty? Which parts of oceans would be saltier?
Ocean Temperature Zones
How is it possible that England is 700 miles further away from the equator than Camden, yet it has much warmer winters?
Ocean Currents
Ocean Current ► Streamline movements of water in the oceans ► Surface currents caused by wind only a few meters deep ► Surface current impact climates worldwide moving heat from equator to polar regions
Ocean Motions: Tides Tides are caused by the gravity of the moon and sun pulling water closer to them
Ocean Motions: Waves Waves are caused by wind Stronger Wind = Bigger Waves
Fresh Water
Fresh Water: Groundwater
Groundwater What do you think makes groundwater a good source for water? What could be some problems with using groundwater?
Biosphere ► What makes life possible in the biosphere? ► Sunlight ► Moderate temperatures ► Liquid Water ► Gravity
Life starts with the plants Primary Producers Where do YOU get your energy from?
Section 3 Review ► Describe the main “steps” in the water cycle ► Explain how the ocean is a dynamic system of current, waves, and tides ► Explain why life is confined to the biosphere.
Chapter 3 ► The Earth is a dynamic system consisting of the geosphere, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the biosphere. ► The Earth’s geosphere is a complex system that is constantly changing impacting life on Earth. ► A thin mixture of gasses that surrounds our planet makes life on Earth possible in many ways. ► Life is contained in a very thin layer near the Earth’s surface that contains all that is needed for survival. ► Water is a simple, yet complex molecule that shapes our world landscape, moderates our climate, provides habitat and most of all makes life possible