TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Perform COFT Operations CONDITION: Given a COFT, COFT IUH, and in a classroom environment STANDARDS: I/O student must demonstrate knowledge of proper COFT training by achieving 80% or higher on the I/O end of course exam and achieve an overall “GO” on all hands on test
COFT SAFETY BRIEFING SAFETY: Tampering with equipment is prohibited and horseplay will not be tolerated CVC helmets must be worn in the Crew Station at all times No food, drinks, smoking or smokeless tobacco are allowed in the training area Use all required references during maintenance and training Do not walk on or move any cables, or touch any electrical connections
COFT SAFETY BRIEFING (Con’t) Know the location and function of the three Emergency Shutdown Switches Know where the fire extinguishers are, how to use them, the location of emergency exits and the Shelter Emergency Shutdown Switches Observe all CAUTION and WARNING labels throughout the trainer Do not permit any activity in the COFT that is unsafe in the BFV
Risk Assessment Level: Moderate, due to potential for exposed high voltage cables Environmental Considerations: None Evaluation: I/O student must demonstrate knowledge of proper COFT training by achieving 80% or higher on the I/O end of course exam and achieve an overall “GO” on all hands on test
ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE A ACTION: Identify COFT Components and Characteristics CONDITION: Given a COFT, COFT IUH, and classroom instruction STANDARDS: Student must adhere to policies and procedures throughout entire I/O course
Crew Station Instructor/Operator Station (IOS) Computer Rack MAJOR COMPONENTS
COMPUTER RACK The computer rack consists of the following components: Printer ModSAF Computer IOS Computer IG1 Computer IG2 Computer BVE Computer KVM Switcher
ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE B ACTION: Perform COFT Power Up CONDITION: Given a COFT, COFT IUH, and in a classroom environment STANDARDS: Successfully power up the COFT IAW with IUH
Power Up Procedure Shelter Preconditioning Procedures Shelter Door Vent Fire Protection Panel Shelter Lighting Switches Emergency Light
Power Up Procedure Shelter Preconditioning Procedures Door Locking Pin Air Conditioner Louvers Hygrometer/Thermometer Observe the hygrometer/thermometer in the Training Shelter. If the temperature reading is between 60º F and 90ºF (15ºC and 30ºC) and relative humidity is between 20 and 70 percent, refer to (ADD TM #), Unusual Electronic Equipment Power-Up Procedure
Power Up Procedure A/C Mode Selector Shelter A/C Mode Selector Switch Setting Outside Temperatur e Ranges Computer Shelter Trainer Shelter Intec Shelter 51AC151AC251AC352AC153AC1 -40ºF to -5ºF -40ºC to -20ºC VentHeatCoolHeat -5ºF to 20ºF -20ºC to 6.7ºC VentHeatCool Heat 20ºF to 68ºF -6.7ºC to 20ºC CoolVentCool Heat 68ºF to 80ºF 20ºC to 26.7ºC CoolVentCool 80ºF to 125ºF 26.7ºC ºC Cool Humidifier Tank Water Level Gage
Power Up Procedure Main Circuit Breaker Circuit Breakers 2 and 6
Power Up Procedure Main Power 208VACMainCircuit BreakerAC ON Lamp
Power Up Procedure Key-switch AC ON Lamp Once the key-switch is turned on, wait until the monitor displays the System Startup screen before continuing
System Start Up
Power Up Procedure Crew Station Auxiliary Equipment AC ON Lamps DC Power Lamps
Power Up Procedure AC ON Lamp Crew Station (CFP/ISUW)
Power Up Procedure AC ON Lamp Intercom & Test equipment Crew Compartment Power Brow Pad
System Start Up
ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE C ACTION: Manage COFT Time Logbook CONDITION: Given a COFT, COFT IUH, and in a classroom environment STANDARDS: Manage system logbook in accordance with IUH TM
COFT TIME LOGBOOK SIGNATURE Ernie Lindquist Brad Tesch (FSR) Ernie Lindquist Brad Tesch (FSR) Ernie Lindquist MIN 3 0 ACCOUNTABLE FAILURE TIME HRS 35 BLDG 5500 LOCATION: Fort Benning ETM SERIAL NO REMARKS Power up Power down Power up WCB: HE ammo would not select Notified FSR Replaced ammo selection switch Power down Power up CTD power went down Notified FSR Power up Power down TIME (00:00) 14:0019:0006:0018:2511:2517:0003:0009:3015:0023:00 COFT SYSTEM LOG DAILY OPERATIONS DATE (MMDDYY) 01/05/03 01/06/03 01/07/03 DA FORM XXX-A-R
ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE D ACTION: Perform Instructor Login and Log Off CONDITION: Given a COFT, COFT IUH, and in a classroom environment STANDARDS: Successfully perform COFT Instructor Login and Log Off procedures in IAW, IUH TM
System Login
ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE E ACTION: Perform COFT Power-down CONDITION: Given a COFT, COFT IUH, and in a classroom environment STANDARDS: Successfully Power-down the COFT, in sequence and in accordance with IUH TM
Power Down Procedure Quit
Power Down Procedure Viewgraph J-17
Power Down Procedure Ensure Power Lamps go off Last computer Lamp remains on
Power Down Procedure Main Circuit Breaker Crew Station (CFP/ISUW) Key-switch Crew Station Auxiliary Equipment)
TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Perform COFT Operations CONDITION: Given a COFT, COFT IUH, and in a classroom environment STANDARDS: I/O student must demonstrate knowledge of proper COFT training by achieving 80% or higher on the I/O end of course exam and achieve an overall “GO” on all hands on test
SUMMARY ELO A: Identify COFT Components and Characteristics ELO B: Perform COFT Power-up ELO C: Manage COFT Time Logbook ELO D: Perform Instructor Logoff ELO E: Perform COFT Power-down