Web-centric BusinessNRIC V – February 27, 2001 NRIC V Council Meeting - February 27, 2001 Focus Group 2.B1 Network Reliability - Data Reporting & Analysis
NRIC V – February 27, Agenda Governance Membership Charter Key Deliverables
Governance Focus Group 2 Network Reliability Chair: Brian Moir, ICA (202) Focus Group 2.B2 on Data Reporting and Analysis for Packet Switching Chair: Paul Hartman Hartman Associates (913) Focus Group 2.A2 on Best Practices Packet Switching Chair: Karl Rauscuer (908) Focus Group 2.B1 on Data Reporting and Analysis Chair: P.J. Aduskevicz, AT&T (908) Focus Group 2.A1 on Best Practices Chair: Rick Harrison Telcordia (732) NRIC V
NRIC V – February 27, Charter I. Implement a voluntary one year trial with participation by Internet Service Providers, CMRS, satellite, cable, and data networking service providers to alert National Communications System/National Coordinating Center for Telecommunications (NCS/NCC) of outages that are likely to have significant public impact. u Criteria for determining types of outages to be reported will be developed by each industry segment building on the recommendations from NRIC IV. u The process for reporting data during the voluntary trial will be documented and implemented. u Analysis of the data from the trial will be conducted by a neutral third party. u Industry associations will be requested to encourage participation by their constituents. u At the completion of the trial period, an evaluation of its effectiveness will be conducted and a recommendation made. II. Evaluate outage-reporting requirements and guidelines currently used by wireline carriers to improve the quality of outage reporting. III. Evaluate and report on the reliability and availability of the PSTN utilizing NRSC quarterly reports.
NRIC V – February 27, Membership 2.B1 - Data Reporting and Analysis Team
NRIC V Focus Group 2.B1 Voluntary Trial Criteria NRIC V – February 27, 2001
7 Key Deliverables I. Implement a voluntary one year trial with participation by Internet Service Providers, CMRS, satellite, cable, and data networking service providers to alert National Communications System/National Coordinating Center for Telecommunications (NCS/NCC) of outages that are likely to have significant public impact. Voluntary Trial Status Recommendation to NRIC IV to proceed with trial predicated on FOIA exemption February 22, 2001 MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) signed by NCS/NCC and FCC ensuring that proprietary information provided under the agreement is protected against unauthorized use or disclosure February 23, 2001 NRIC V Chairman sent letter to industry association representatives re-inforcing commitment to voluntary trial and explaining MOU March 9 Subcommittee Agenda item to confirm that all barriers to participation have been removed Criteria for data scrubbing by NCS complete Flowchart of reporting process documented by team and distributed to industry association representatives Subcommittee to review extending trial completion dates now that MOU has been signed Make recommendation to NRIC V on Outage Reporting for those not governed by
NRIC V – February 27, Voluntary Trial Process Outage Occurs Determine if Outage Meets Vol. Trial Criteria Fax to NCS/NCC On ( / / ) Create Initial Report within 3 Days – Mark Company Proprietary Conduct Root Cause Analysis Identify Best Practices Fax Final Report with in 30 Days NCS/NCC Logs Report Scrub Data per Criteria Established by 2.B1 Share Scrubbed Data (e.g. NIPC) Handoff scrubbed data required by 2.A2 (Best Practices for Packet) Does 2.B2 want to use data? Analyze Scrubbed Data: By Type/Segment Impact Frequency Root cause for Commonality Provide status at NRIC V Council meetings Make Recommendations Monitor Progress Concur or Provide Input on Recommendations Develop Final Report to Include Recommendations Service Provider NCS/NCC Subcommittee 2.B 1 NRIC V If yes Service Provider – Companies who provide CMRS, Satellite, Cable Telephony, ISP and Data Services NCS/NCC (National Communication System/National Coordinating Center) - Joint industry-government organization and mechanism by which the federal government and telecommunications industry respond to national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) telecommunications service requirements. Subcommittee 2.B1 – A subcommittee of the NRIC V Network comprised of representatives of industry associations, consultants, and providers for wireline and non-wireline services and equipment. NRIC V – A federal advisory committee that is chartered to evaluate and report on the reliability of public telecomm network services in the US including the reliability of packet switched networks. If no Local Root Cause Analysis InitialFinal Aggregate And Send Data InitialFinal File Final Report Determine whether request to share data should be made Take No Further Action If yes If no Grant Permission to Share Data? If no If yes
NRIC V – February 27, Voluntary Trial Outage Report - Scrubbed Data Criteria Agreement with Team – For Data Handoff
NRIC V – February 27, Key Deliverables II. Evaluate outage-reporting requirements and guidelines currently used by wireline carriers to improve the quality of outage reporting. u Revised Network Reliability Steering Committee Charter to Reflect intent to “improve” reliability verses previous charter to “monitor” u Changed baseline for FCC Reportable Service Outages from first year to cumulative going forward u Began conducting special analysis on detected trends (for example, single failure affecting large geographic areas) u Began performing analysis on Emergency Services Outages u FCC working to implement electronic filing and putting template into “user friendly” format. (Due End of 2Q01)
NRIC V – February 27, Key Deliverables III. Evaluate and report on the reliability and availability of the PSTN utilizing NRSC quarterly reports. u Utilize NRSC to report data analysis from process u Outage results assembled and analyzed by Network Reliability Steering Committee u Quarterly and annual results for overall outages and sub categories available on web site: u Will incorporate analytics from Voluntary Outage Reporting Trial for cable, satellite, wireless, ISPs to extend Network Reliability Reporting
NRSC – 3 rd Quarter Results FCC Reportable Service Outages (by number of events) Reliability Reporting
NRSC – 3 rd Quarter Results FCC Reportable Service Outages (by outage index) Reliability Reporting
NRSC – 3 rd Quarter Results Procedural Error Attributed Outages (by number of events) Reliability Reporting
NRSC – 3 rd Quarter Results Procedural Error Attributed Outages (by outage index) Reliability Reporting
Network Reliability Steering Committee Significant Results Through 3Q00 uHistorical average number of outages in the third quarter is 48.3, the highest of any quarter u3Q00 overall outage frequency was the highest ever (55) although it does not exceed third quarter control limits uTandem Switch Outages and Procedural Error Outages had highest frequency to date uTandem Switch CO Power and Procedural Error outages were all in the “Red” region uCO power outage frequency may be attributable to season effects as previously identified by NRSC which are statistically significant