Creating an LGBTQA Student- Friendly Environment Cathlene McGraw Portland State University Jennifer Joslin University of Oregon Photo by andendquote flickr/reativecommons
Why this work is important to us
Why this work is important to students everywhere
Outcomes & Take-aways Understand key terms & definitions Understand cultural & legal issues Understand unique needs of LGBTQQIA students Begin an office climate assessment Identify 3 steps to improve work with LGBTQA students
Sex male/female Gender roles expression identity Sexuality heterosexual “other”
It’s not alphabet soup… terms & definitions represent a complex history. Photo by victoriapeckham flickr/creativecommons
Definitions: Embedded in history Gay Term used to identify males who are attracted to males in a romantic, erotic and/or emotional sense Lesbian Term used to identify females who are attracted to females in a romantic, erotic and/or emotional sense UC Riverside, GLBTQQIA
Photos by jbcurio, lara604, K. Kendall, celesteh, Rennett Stowe, dbking; Flickr/creativecommons
Definitions: Embedded in history Gay Term used to identify males who are attracted to males in a romantic, erotic and/or emotional sense Lesbian Term used to identify females who are attracted to females in a romantic, erotic and/or emotional sense UC Riverside, GLBTQQIA
Definitions: Embedded in history Bisexual A person emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to males/men/masculinity and females/women/femininity Trans- gender A term used to describe those who transgress social gender norms; those who express or present a breaking and/or blurring of culturally prevalent/stereotypical gender roles GLBTQQIA UC Riverside, 2008, Portland State University, 2010, “Terms & Definitions”
Photos by GLN, tiseb, dbking, osseous jerekeys, celesteh; Flickr/creativecommons
Definitions: Embedded in history Bisexual A person emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to males/men/masculinity and females/women/femininity Trans- gender A term used to describe those who transgress social gender norms; those who express or present a breaking and/or blurring of culturally prevalent/stereotypical gender roles GLBTQQIA UC Riverside, 2008, Portland State University, 2010, “Terms & Definitions”
Definitions: Embedded in history Queer Questioning A term to describe someone who is exploring their feelings or identity GLBTQQIA UC Riverside, An umbrella term that connotes a gender-questioning identification or orientation; often used in place of labels like gay, lesbian, or bisexual
Graphic by Tim Stewart Winter, Swarthmore; Flickr/creativecommons
Definitions: Embedded in history Intersex An individual born with anatomy and/or physiology that differs from cultural ideals of male & female Allies One who is aligned with the LGBTQ movement & supports LGBTQQI individuals GLBTQQIA UC Riverside,
Intersex Transexual Crossdressers Drag Performers/ Gender Benders From a graphic by Kerry Pointer SAFE on Campus, Duke University
Sex male/female Gender roles expression identity Sexuality heterosexual “other”
Language Materials Space/ Environment Serving LGBTQA Students Effectively Important components: Devel. Programming Space/Environment Materials Devel. Programming Space/ Environment Materials
Developmental Programming Ongoing LGBTQ programming: key issues, language, resources Devel. Programming Space/ Environment Materials Case Studies Book Club Discussion Groups Student/Guest Panels
Space/Environment Visual Environment Workplace/Campus Policies Facilities Devel. Programming Space/ Environment Materials Inclusive restrooms Domestic partner benefits Lobby pictures Inclusive language Safe Zone/Ally program
Materials Forms/Documentation Print, Electronic & Presentation Materials Devel. Programming Space/ Environment Materials Space to self-identify Brochures, website pictures Safe Zone symbol on home page
Let’s Get to Work Case Study #1: Student employed on campus for 2 months using female name & pronouns; wants to use new male name now. He wants to know if it would be okay to make this switch at work. How would you advise this student? Discuss in small group(s); report back with 2 recommendations
One More Case Study Case Study #2: McKenzie struggling with return from study abroad. She is frustrated by what she perceives as a conservative school environment. How will you talk to McKenzie? What would you recommend she do? Discuss in small group(s); report back on 2 key issues
More small group work Identify three ways your campus or office can improve your service to students using the resources or strategies outlined in this presentation
More small group work Pick one of your goals and outline three steps your office can take to make your goal a reality Be SMART!
Creating an LGBTQA Student- Friendly Environment Cathlene McGraw Portland State University Jennifer Joslin University of Oregon Photo by andendquote flickr/reativecommons