Human Resource Management Chapter 19
Worldwide Labor Conditions Statistics Statistics Women in the Workplace Women in the Workplace Statistics Statistics Glass ceiling Glass ceiling Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs Extra assistance Extra assistance Mobility Mobility Immigrant Labor Immigrant Labor Low-skilled workers Low-skilled workers
Worldwide Labor Conditions Child Labor Child Labor Viewpoint of practicing countries Viewpoint of practicing countries World Bank & UNICEF view World Bank & UNICEF view Forced labor Forced labor Forced Labor Forced Labor Difficulties Difficulties Rural-urban Shift Rural-urban Shift Regional or Cultural Regional or Cultural Japan Japan China China
Staffing Finding the right people Finding the right people Requirements Requirements Where they can be recruited Where they can be recruited Global mind-set Global mind-set
Selection of Employees Ethnocentric Ethnocentric International strategic orientation International strategic orientation Polycentric Polycentric Multidomestic strategic orientation Multidomestic strategic orientation Regiocentric Regiocentric Regional strategic orientation Regional strategic orientation Geocentric Geocentric Transnational strategic orientation Transnational strategic orientation
Training Home or Parent Country National Home or Parent Country National PCN PCN How to train How to train Family considerations Family considerations Host Country National Host Country National HCN HCN Hired in home country Hired in home country Hired in host country Hired in host country Third Country National Third Country National TCN TCN Why? Why? Host country attitudes Host country attitudes
Expatriates Definition Definition Most common reason for failure Most common reason for failure Considerations Considerations Children Children Two-career households Two-career households Language Barriers Language Barriers Language trap Language trap English English Advantages to certain languages Advantages to certain languages Repatriation Repatriation Expatriate Services Expatriate Services
Compensation Salaries Salaries Allowances Allowances Housing Housing Cost of living Cost of living Tax differentials Tax differentials Education Education Moving and orientation Moving and orientation Bonuses Bonuses Overseas premiums Overseas premiums Contact termination payments Contact termination payments Home leave Home leave
Compensation Compensation Packages Compensation Packages What percentage? What percentage? 65-75% 65-75% What exchange rate? What exchange rate? Easily convertible Easily convertible Currency controls Currency controls Compensating TCNs Compensating TCNs U.S. taxing U.S. taxing Home leave bonus Home leave bonus
Compensation International Status International Status Perks Perks What’s important? What’s important? Product availability Product availability Vacation days Vacation days Attractiveness of U.S. and Western Europe Attractiveness of U.S. and Western Europe