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Deprecated Endpoint /_vti_bin/listdata.svc /_api Deprecated TBD, but unified None SOAP REST
Source: SOAP
SOAP Option (SPServices synonym) RESTComments ViewFields (CAMLViewFields) $select Choose the columns you would like to retrieve. With both SOAP and REST we get some data we don’t explicitly request, but by specifying only the columns we need we can reduce the payload sizes. Query (CAMLQuery) $filter, $orderby Specify which items in the list we would like to return and how we would like them sorted. RowLimit (CAMLRowLimit) $limit Say how many items matching the Query we would like to receive. In SOAP we can specify 0 to get all matching items; in REST we can omit the parameter to get all the matching items. Otherwise, we can specify any integer as the limit. ViewName (CAMLViewName) NA ViewName lets you choose the view you would like to get in the response. There’s no REST equivalent here. I’ve always discouraged using this option in SOAP because it’s too easy to change the view settings and cause unintended consequences. QueryOptions (CAMLQueryOptions) NA In SOAP, this lets us specify some options that change how the data is returned to us. For example, we can ask for all of the attachment URLs rather than just a Boolean which tells us that there are attachments. NA$expandThis option in REST has no direct equivalent in SOAP. $expand allows us to indicate that we would like the values for a relationship - rather than just the indices - using a projection. This is important with Lookup columns and Person or Group columns.
JSON SPGetListItemsJson XML GetListItems
We’ll look at live examples showing the different ways we can request data, along with conversion approaches.
October 24/ May 7/8 2016
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