ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 1 The OPERA experiment CNGS long-baseline program in Europe Search for appearance in a beam: prove nature of atmospheric oscillation, measure m 2 Search for e oscillations (measure 13 ) OPERA Collaboration: Belgium, China, Croatia, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey H. Pessard (LAPP Annecy France), for the OPERA Collaboration Hall C Hall B ICARUS Gran Sasso underground lab OPERA CERN s Direct observation of decay topology using nuclear photographic emulsions 35 groups, ~ 170 physicists (CNGS1)
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 2 CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso 732 Km 11 Km CNGS beam optimized for appearance: E = 17 GeV At 732 km in OPERA: 6200 CC+NC /year expected + 27 CC/year ( m 2 = eV 2 ) 400 GeV proton beam 4.5 x protons/year (7.6 x dedicated mode) 200 days/year, = 55% ( e e ) 0.85 % 2.1 % prompt negligible CNGS horns (Orsay)
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA steel decay pipe installed 18 mm thick, 4.5 m Ø, + 50 cm of concrete Vacuum leak test on full 998 m tube OK CNGS beam construction at CERN on schedule First beam to Gran Sasso in May 2006 Intensity upgrade (x1.5) under study 3
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 4 OPERA appearance detection CC events: detection of the decay kink Pb Emulsion layers 1 mm e, p,n, ,K... ,e,,e, BR 17.4 % h (n ) 49.5 % e e 17.8 % (n ) 15.0 % Based on the Emulsion Cloud Chamber (ECC) technique: emulsions for tracking, high Z plates as target ECC technique used in discovery (DONUT-2000) Target mass ~1.8 Kton + film alignment 1 m high modularity Basic unit: ECC “Brick” 56 lead plates 57 emulsion films 8.6kg 10 X x 12.7 x 7.5 cm Film base
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 5 OPERA bricks and electronic detectors Trigger and localisation of interaction Spectrometer sections: 22 RPC planes in dipolar magnet 6 sections of Precision Trackers 1775 tons target: bricks ECC bricks alone can provide: - vertex and decay kink reconstruction - momentum measurement by MCS - / separation at low E by dE/dx - energy measurement of em showers, identification of electrons 2 Super-Modules ~ 9m TEST experiment at CERN PS 1 mm 5 cm Target sections: 31 vertical “walls” of bricks 31 scintillation X-Y Target Tracker planes Muon ID, momentum, charge meas.
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 6 OPERA hybrid detector operation Pb/Em. brick 8 cm - daily brick extraction (~30 bricks/day) by robot - cosmic ray exposure - film development 8 m Target Trackers Pb/Em. target Pb 1 mm Basic “cell” Emulsion Spectrometer trackers Electronic Data Acquisition in Gran Sasso - interaction tagging, brick selection - event measurement Scanning stations in Japan and Europe - vertex location - decay detection - event full Data Acquisition: e/ ID, MCS, / separation, kinematics 3 2 1
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 7 OPERA search for , topologies (1) Pick up all tracks from the interaction on the most downward film 5x5cm 2 for CC a film full surface for NC (2) Scan back picked up tracks (3) confirm interaction vertex; tracks stopped in 2 consecutive films (4) search for kink candidates (5) fully measure candidate events I.P. Short decays Pb Scanning power Pb Long decays Emulsion layers (not to scale ) Plastic base kink kink > 20 mrad ( kink ) ~ 3 mrad Impact Parameter > 5 to 20 m (along Pb plate) (I.P.) = 0.3 to 0.6 m
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 8 Status of OPERA construction Brick Manipulator System Spectrometer sections: installation started May 2003 SM1 magnet complete June 2004 Target planes support SM2 magnet complete in April 2005 Target sections: installation starts September 2004
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 9 OPERA magnets June 2004 Magnet 1: all 22 gaps filled with RPC slabs base B= 1.55 T coil 5 cm Fe slabs x 12 x 2 Total magnet weight 1000 tons p p 20-25%, charge mis-Id 0.3% ID > 95% (Target Tracker + PT) May 2004 With Precision Tracker:
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 10 OPERA in construction: summer 2004 July 2004
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 11 Spectrometer RPC and Precision Tracker Nov 2003: 1 st plane of RPC installed May 2004: SM 1 fully equipped 462 RPC, 1540 m 2 (22 walls) 1160 RPC produced, Q-acceptance 70% Mechanical test, gas tightness HV, electrical tests in Ar Noise, Efficiency with cosmics Gas and HV tests repeated in Hall C prototype module Performance: efficiency: 99.1% resolution: 300 μm Installation: spring 2005 Drift tubes Tracker 4 layers, 8 m tubes 38 mm Ø, 50 m wire Simplified version of ATLAS drift tubes For 25% P/P : x ~ 0.5 mm, high multi-hit 8 m
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 12 Target Tracker and brick walls Construction of TT modules (64 strips) in progress: 8 modules/week X and Y planes, 6000m 2 in total - Scintillator strips (6.86m x 2.6cm x1cm): AMCRYS-H (Kharkov) above 5 p.e. specifs. - Kuraray WLS fibers 1000 MaPMT Hamamatsu 64-channels - Dedicated Front End electronics: gain correction auto-triggerable, 1/5 p.e. - Ethernet DAQ cards Brick wall full height prototype (6.7m) Well above 5 p.e. / readout end Target installation at LNGS: September December 2005
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 13 ECC brick components: emulsion films, lead Film production started April 2003 (~ m 2 ) films made by Fuji Film Co. (joint R&D with Nagoya Univ.) 20% of 13 M films produced Film refreshing (erasure of CR tracks): facility in Tono Mine, Japan (700 bricks/day) being commissioned Film delivery at GS October 2004, CS May 2005 Refreshing parameters Humidity : > 95% Temperature : 30 ºC Time : ~ 3 days Pb plates 1mm thick 10 m - ready for prototype production at Goslar Co. - Pb/Ag/Al-Sn to replace Pb/Ca (compatibility with emulsions)
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 14 Brick assembly BAM contracted Jan 2004 with Tecno-Cut (Swiss-Italian Co) Delivery at LNGS: April 2005 Brick assembly: Sep 2005, 1 year Filling SM1 March 2006 SM2 September 2006 Mechanical packaging adopted (long term tests): less fragile than vacuum packaging pressure produced by springs and fiberglass scotch tape light tightness with Al adhesive tape Brick Assembly Machine (BAM) 2 bricks/min bricks Packaging Piling stations 40 m hall A/ hall B by-pass Lead handling
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 15 Brick manipulator system Installation at LNGS: April 2005, Start detector brick filling: Sep Porticoes on each side of detector, to place platform in front of brick row Platforms horizontal positioning brick pushing in wall brick retrieving vehicle Under construction and tests Storage carrousel
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 16 Automatic scanning R&D in Nagoya and Europe S-UTS prototype at Nagoya Dedicated hardware Hard coded algorithms European station Commercial hardware Software algorithms ~ 2mrad x ~ 0.3 m 500 fps CMOS camera Bari, Bern, Bologna, Lyon, Napoli, Neuchâtel, Roma, Salerno Scanning lab to be European system: recent version working at 20 cm 2 /hr/side (15 to install) S-UTS system expected to reach similar performances (under completion) Fast CCD camera (3 k frames/sec) Continuous movement of the X-Y stage
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 17 Channels considered at CNGS approval time (1999) e (DIS+QE, long) (DIS+QE, long) Overall efficiency DIS longQE longDIS shortOverall (weighted sum) e h Total % Efficiency increases under study: Brick finding efficiency improved analysis and strategy (+10%) BFE increase (?) with changeable sheet on the back side of the brick channel 3 prongs (1.0% additional efficiency, including BR 15%) * BR OPERA detection efficiencies Efficiencies include: BR, long/short, BFE, kink + kinematics cut, Id and connection
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA Total per channel Hadronic background Large angle μ scattering Charm background Total h h e 5 years, nominal beam in red: possible BKGD reduction Charm background : Being re-evaluated using new CHORUS data: charm production increase by 40% (larger c production), charm semileptonic BR down by 20%. In addition π/μ Id by dE/dx would reduce the charm background by 40% being tested at KEK and this autumn at PSI (pure beam of π or μ stop) Large angle μ scattering : Upper limit from past measurements used so far Calculations including nuclear form factors give a factor 5 less BKGD reduction will be checked in 2004 in X5 beam with Si detectors Hadronic background : Estimates based on Fluka standalone : 50% uncertainty. Error down to ~15%, improved sensitivity with extensive comparison of FLUKA with CHORUS data Expected number of background events
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 19 Number of events in x10 19 pot / year 1.0 (1.5)19.9 (29.9)12.8 (19.2)8.0 (12.1) BFE improved by 10% + 3 prong decay 0.7 (1.1)16.4 (24.6)10.5 (15.8)6.6 (10.0)OPERA tons 0.8 (1.2) With possible BKGD 30% reduction BKGDsignal 3.0x eV 2 signal 2.4 x eV 2 signal 1.9 x eV 2 (...): with CNGS beam upgrade (x1.5) sensitivity
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA - 20 SK 90% CL (L/E analysis) Opera with beam x2 Opera with beam x3 Opera nominal Opera with beam x1.5, no BKGD reduction Opera nominal beam and half background Opera with beam x1.5, possible improvements and BKGD reduction Sensitivity versus Beam Intensity (~equivalent)
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA º5º x x Efficiency e CC beam NC CC eesignal º7º º8º º9º Expected signal and backgrounds assuming 5 years data taking, nominal CNGS beam and m 2 23 =2.5x10 -3 eV 2, sin 2 2 23 =1 simultaneous use of E visible, E electron and missing P t 7.1º 6.4º 0.06 0.05 (beam x1.5) 13 limit 90% CL sin 2 2 13 limit Sensitivity to 13 has a dependence on CP complementary to T2K e sensitivity
ICHEP 2004, Beijing H. Pessard/ OPERA OPERA is looking for oscillations ( appearance) and e oscillations (measurement of ) as part of the European long baseline Neutrino program - The OPERA collaboration since the approval in 2000 accomplished great progress towards the realisation of this large and delicate detector - Work is going on to improve the sensitivity by reducing the background and increasing the efficiency. The expected increase of the beam intensity will have a similar effect to secure the appearance observation. - The CNGS beam and the OPERA experiment will start in 2006 Conclusions