Integrating Health into Community Design Tina Zenzola, MPH Safe & Healthy Communities Consulting (619) 281-1656 New Partners for.


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Presentation transcript:

Integrating Health into Community Design Tina Zenzola, MPH Safe & Healthy Communities Consulting (619) New Partners for Smart Growth Conference, 2005

Existing Conditions Safe, Active and Healthy Communities ? SHCC Active living and other public health efforts to change the built environment

Existing Conditions Safe, Active and Healthy Communities Land Use & Transportation Planning Process SHCC Active living and other public health efforts to change the built environment

Land Use Planning How communities decide what gets built where (and what it looks like) County, city, community (& regional) levels Planning dept.; community advisory council; planning commission; electeds, (MPO) Key policies & processes: –Master plan & community plans –Zoning –Redevelopment, revitalization –Subdivision Plans –Development Review –Bike and Pedestrian Master Plans –Capital Improvement Projects Requires public outreach and input into process SHCC

Transportation Planning How regions decide what types of transportation systems are built and/or improved Federal, state & regional level FHWA; DOT; MPO; transit agencies Key policies & processes: –Regional Transportation Plan –Regional Comprehensive Plan Requires public outreach and input into process SHCC

Traffic Engineering The designs, standards and processes for traffic operations and safety (streets, sidewalks) County & city level FHWA; state DOT; public works/traffic engineering dept; (ITE) Key policies & processes: –Street design standards –Traffic calming protocols –Warrants –Maintenance programs –Capital Improvement Projects SHCC

Strategic Levels for Integrating Health and Active Living Upstream Influence the overarching vision, policies & standards Midstream Interject healthy design into slated projects Downstream Retrofit yesterdays mistakes SHCC

Downstream: retrofit yesterdays mistakes Safe Routes to School projects Residential traffic calming Improve intersection near senior housing SHCC

School Routes in Marin County Broad coalition; lead = bike group Identified walkability problems Safety and PA as key messages Mobilized schools, community Safety improvements & increased awareness Photo: / Dan Burden

Midstream: interject healthy design into slated projects Redevelopment/revitalization projects Capital improvement projects Development Review SHCC

Transportation Justice in Oakland, CA Scrapped BARTs original plan for a parking garage Result = TOD with mixed housing, shops, offices, library, child care, health clinic, ped plaza Health benefits = reduced traffic & air pollution; increased walking & transit; access to services SHCC Fruitvale Transit Village, Oakland

Saving a Rural Main Street Road widening - capital improvement project Land uses ignored Walkability jeopardized Negative impact on businesses & community Advocates provide safety message & design alternatives Result: County DPW changed its plan & policy SHCC

Upstream: influence the overarching vision, polices and standards SHCC

Funding Walkable Communities in Sacramentos RTP Diverse coalition of advocates Public health=major player & issue Outcome=3% of RTP for pedestrian/bike facilities ($631M) Photo: / Dan Burden SHCC

Pedestrian Guidelines in San Diego Walkable Advisory Committee to MPO Public health at the table Serves as guide to cities in the region $1 million in demonstration grants Adoption & Implementation ????

Revise Street Design Standards Make it possible to build safe streets Institutionalize pedestrian friendly design Provide models from other communities Monitor adherence to new standards SHCC Photo: / Dan Burden

Neighborhood, city, county, regional level Strip mall, transit node Intersection, school route Influence the overarching vision, policies & standards Interject healthy design into slated projects Retrofit yesterdays mistakes Move upstream for the greatest impact UpstreamMidstreamDownstream SHCC

Getting Sidewalks on School Routes: from Baby Steps to Big Steps SHCC Include in community plan update SR2S Project WSD event with walk audit Get routine accommodation w/all CIPs Change local standards to require 5ft sidewalks Develop a pedestrian master plan Schools, school area Community Ducks lined up Citywide MPO, DPW, Planning Money lined up Citywide DPW, Planning Standards/Policy Citywide DPW, Planning Standards/Policy

State Health Agencies: Your Role Bring attention to the issue Integrate health into state level Smart Growth efforts Collaborate across health programs Collaborate with state DOT Build capacity of local programs Regional Trainings Technical Assistance Mini-grants Networking Californias LPHBE Project

Collaborating with public health Credible voice Neutral and skilled convener Provide the public health rationale Bring the health data and scientific rigor Link to under-represented groups Access to new funding streams But, politics may be a barrier to participation SHCC

Safe & Healthy Communities Consulting Linking health and community design 4544 Kensington Drive San Diego, CA (619)