Professionalism and Fitness to Practise processes Results from our medical school survey 1 May 2015 Dr Victoria Gauden Policy Manager GMC
GMC/MSC guidance review
GMC/MSC guidance review - milestones Consultation to commence August 2015 12 week public consultation Launch of new guidance – Q Implementation – September 2016
GMC/MSC guidance review Student professional values – an interpretation of Good Medical Practice for medical students Student professionalism and fitness to practise – guidance for medical schools and universities on low level concerns and fitness to practise processes High level framework outlining the process from monitoring of low level concerns to fitness to practise Additional web based resources
GMC/MSC survey 2014 In autumn 2014 we surveyed all medical schools. Processes for low level concerns and student fitness to practise. Responses received from all 35 medical schools.
Professionalism and FTP process survey Conduct Section 1: Low level conduct concerns Section 2: Threshold for fitness to practise Section 3: Investigation process Section 4: Conduct issues – fitness to practise Health Section 5: Low level health issues Section 6: Health issues – Fitness to practise cases Appeals Section 7: Process
Professionalism and FTP process survey
Low level concerns All medical schools have a system for addressing low level concerns. For the majority (33) this is at medical school level. Health and misconduct issues dealt with by the same process in most schools. Six have a separate process or specific committee for dealing with health.
Who deals with low level conduct concerns?
Addressing low level concerns
Powers for addressing low level concerns – by committee
Powers for addressing low level concerns – by individual
Thresholds for FTP and investigation process 15 schools said they use GMC/MSC guidance to determine threshold. Three mentioned a specific structure for referral: three concern forms/warnings, red on RAG rating. Most schools (30) specified they appoint a dedicated investigating officer.
Can cases go directly to FTP? Conduct Health
Occupational Health Can students self refer to OH?
FTP Committee – roles and training Usually a pool, including senior clinical and academic staff, and sometimes lay and/or student members. Training varies. Almost all have E&D training for staff, but it appears that this is standard for all staff rather than specific to FTP role.
FTP Committee – highest level
FTP Committee – guidance Is written guidance provided to students?
FTP Committee – legal representation Is the student permitted legal representation?
FTP Committee - outcomes
FTP Committee – information Is the student given an outcome letter?
Appeals – first stage Level of first stage of appeal
Appeals – grounds for appeal On what grounds can a student appeal a committee decision?
Appeals – second stage Is there a second stage of appeal?
Conclusion Processes vary between medical schools. They have evolved considerably since our guidance was first published in We will produce updated guidance that is flexible enough to use within existing processes.
Thank You
Professionalism: holistic approaches to health “ A set of values, behaviours, and relationships that underpins the trust the public has in doctors.”