“Dialing for Dollars” Telemarketing and Investment Fraud Holly Hinson, Outreach Coordinator Diana Durante, Financial Examiner/Analyst Supervisor
State Regulatory Authority Over State Chartered Financial Institutions Securities Firms and Agents Investment Advisers and Representatives Mortgage Brokers and Lenders Consumer Finance Companies Motor Vehicle Finance Companies Check Cashers Handle Consumer Complaints
Verify Before You Buy Always Verify Proper Registration & License Check for Complaints and Disciplinary Actions Contact Florida Office of Financial Regulation or (850)
Four C’s Model – Before You Buy 1. CALL – Florida Office of Financial Regulation 2. CONSIDER – all your options 3. COMPARE – the product with others 4. CONSULT – with someone you trust
The Motley Fool – My Dumbest Investment A Bad Call “ My dumbest investment was taking a cold call from a broker. I just blindly followed the advice of the broker and eventually lost all the money I put in.” May 9, Tallahassee Democrat