Leadership Academy Plus/Delta Results August 2012
Pluses Over 100 pluses were recorded by 49 groups with the top identified across groups being: 21 st Century Skills- identified 14 times Leadership Succession Plan- Identified 12 times The responsiveness of Central Office- identified 8 times
Top Pluses, Continued Technology use in the county- identified 7 times Community Priorities Workshops- identified 6 times Data-driven analysis for improving instruction- identified 4 times
Pluses Identified three times Introduction of the RtI model Reflective Friends Closing the Achievement Gap Staff Development Henrico 21 Implementing anti-bullying through the coalition Communication with stakeholders Fiscal Management
Top Deltas There were 60 different deltas recorded across the 49 groups with the top being: Parental support/involvement- 8 groups Communication from Central Office- 8 groups Changing Social Worker assignments- 7 groups Infrastructure to support online testing- 6 groups
Top Deltas There were 60 different deltas identified across the 49 groups with the top being: Benchmark testing- 5 groups New math SOLs- 5 groups Reflective Friends- 5 groups Transportation- 4 groups The hiring process- 4 groups
Top Deltas The following Deltas were identified three times: Training on MAP testing The teacher transfer process Content-specific PD The Anti-Bullying program Funding for staff development Balanced assessment