Begin story By Maia Pidperyhora
Once there was a cat living in a forest and he saw company. Attack him Let him Fall in A trap
Puss jumped down of the tree, and the kid was surprised to see a cat out in the forest, then puss knocked him over and that’s all he did. Let him Fall in a Trap
Puss got of him and let him fall in one of his traps. Let him hang Cut him down
The kid was hanging for a while. then puss cut him down. Cut him down
Puss meowed and let the kid go. He ran and the other cats got him. Take him To kitty jail
The cats got him and took him to kitty jail. Lock him up
The kid had an idea Tell the idea don’t tell The idea
The kid told the idea, the idea was to adopt Puss. Puss said yes. Puss run away
He decided not to tell the idea but puss let him go anyway. And he never saw puss again. The End
Puss didn’t like his home, so he decided to run away. Get the Other cats
. Puss got some of his cat friends, and they headed off to the pecan tree. The yellow cat gets scared easy. The grey cat is the smart one and the orange cat, is the brave one. Go to The Pecan tree
On their way to the pecan tree they saw a dog. The dog had a owner named Katie. The dogs name was Billy. Puss just called him rotten willy. The other cats were scared and they ran away. Make Good friends
Puss and Billy made good friends.
The two animals spent their first Christmas together.