Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action 1st - Incident Commander The Incident Commander is responsible for overall management of the incident, operating under the priorities of maintaining life safety; incident stabilization; environmental conservation. The IC’s role is to establish the strategy and tactics to control the incident and implement and mange the action plan for using available resources. The IC must determine strategic goals and tactical objectives, develop an incident action plan, develop appropriate organizational structure and coordinate the . Step 1: Establish command. Step 2: Establish strategy and priorities to control the incident. Step 3: Oversee Incident Action Plan. Step 4: Determine strategic goals and tactical objectives Step 5: Authorize media releases. Step 6: May serve as liaison to EOC Group: Operations You Report To: Scene or Acting Incident Commander You are over all Planning, Logistics, Operations, and Finance Section Chiefs and all Command Functions. Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in the offices of the Incident Commander and each Section Chief. ** or replacement/designee
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action 1st Medical Support (RN/LVN) /RDT Provide medical support. Rotate as needed. Step 1: Report to check-in area to ensure documentation of working during emergency event Step 2: Report to Dispensing and Treatment Manager Step 3: Conduct duties as assigned by Dispensing and Treatment Manager Step 4: Keep Dispensing and Treatment Manager informed Step 5: Vaccinate contacts. Step 6: Assist with medical assessments. Step 7: Interviews contacts and assesses for signs/symptoms. Step 8: Conducts evaluation of vaccine take, if appropriate. Step 9: Educate contacts on possible Class A, B or C biologic agent symptoms, travel restrictions and reporting requirements. Step 10: Conduct personal interviews with cases for exposure assessment to ascertain type, location, and characteristics of exposure. Group: Logistics You Report To: Medical Support Coordinator Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. **or replacement/designee
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action 1st - Health Authority By law, functions as an agent of the State and is required to and has authority to take any and all measures to protect the public health of Tarrant County, preventing the spread of disease and limit morbidity and mortality. Assesses and diagnoses health threats and determines appropriate response. Contacts TDH Commissioner of Health, State Epidemiologist and Region. Nurses and other healthcare staff function under the orders of the Health Authority (HA). HA calls for additional resources as determined. Activates and directs the medical reserve corps. Carries out disease control measures, such as quarantine, isolation and mass prophylaxis. Step 1: Assess medical conditions and determines appropriate response. Step 2: Approve request for additional medical resources. Step 3: Authorize request for SNS / responsible for receipt of SNS materials Step 3: Determine strategic goals and tactical objectives for medical situations and to limit morbidity and mortality. Step 4: Activates and directs medical reserve corps. Step 5: Authorize media releases. Step 6: Carries out disease control measures, such as quarantine, isolation and mass prophylaxis. Step 7: May serve as liaison to EOC. Group: Command and Control You Report To: Incident Commander Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. ** or replacement/designee
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action 1st Chief Epidemiologist Coordinate the epidemiological investigation in collaboration with state and federal health authorities. Appoints Surveillance Coordinator, activates Response Team (Active Surveillance and Field Response Teams), coordinates the distribution of fact sheets to providers with Field Response Teams, and provides management of outbreak investigation including coordination of teams. Step 1: May serve as liaison to EOC or IC Commanders, as directed. Step 2: Manages epidemiology section. Step 3: Coordinate the epidemiological investigation in collaboration with state and federal health authorities. Step 4: Activates Response Team (Active Surveillance and Field Response Teams), Coordinates distribution of fact sheets to providers with Field Response Teams, and provides management of outbreak investigation including coordination of teams. Step 5: Coordinates with Logistics Officer to obtain computer support, forms, vaccination/specimen materials, etc. Step 6: Conducts data analysis and hypothesis testing. Step 7: Identifies exposed population and directs exposure with exposure assessment team. Step 8: Coordinates media releases with Public Information Officer. Step 9: Coordinates health data research for the health event. Step 10: Maintain Unit Log. Group: Operations You Report To: Operations Section Chief Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. ** or replacement/designee
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action 1st Finance/Administration Section Chief The Finance/Administration Section is responsible for managing all financial aspects of an incident. Not all incidents will require a Finance/Administration Section. Only when the involved agencies have a specific need for Finance/Administration services will the Section be activated. There are four units which may be established within the Finance/Administration Section: Time Unit, Procurement Unit, Compensation/Claims Unit, and Cost Unit Step 1: Manage all financial aspects of an incident. Step 2: Provide financial and cost analysis information as requested. Step 3: Gather pertinent information from briefings with responsible agencies. Step 4: Develop an operating plan for the Finance/Administration Section; fill supply and support needs. Step 5: Determine need to set up and operate an incident commissary. Step 6: Meet with Assisting and Cooperating Agency Representatives as needed. Step 7: Maintain daily contact with agency(s) administrative headquarters on Finance/Administration matters. Step 8: Ensure that all personnel time records are accurately completed and transmitted to home agencies, according to policy. Step 9: Provide financial input to demobilization planning. Step10: Ensure that all obligation documents initiated at the incident are properly prepared and completed. Step11: Brief agency administrative personnel on all incident-related financial issues needing attention or follow up. Group: Finance/Admin. You Report To: Incident Commander Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. ** or designee/replacement
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action Staging Area/Facilities Manager Manages all activities within the Staging Area. In a number of departments, the first arriving officer in staging is designated as Staging Area Manager until relieved or reassigned. Step 1: Keep track of all resources entering and exiting the staging area at TCPHD. Step 2: Update the Logistic Section Chief regarding the level of resources in staging and maintain a minimum level of resources if the Logistic Section Chief has determined one. Step 3: Respond to requests for personnel and equipment at the incident. complex event, the Staging Area Manager is the Logistics Chief Step 4: Keeps track of all resources entering and exiting staging area. Step 5: Updates Logistic Section Chief regarding level of resources in staging Step 6: Maintaining a minimum level of resources if the Logistic Section Chief has determined one Step 7: Responding to requests for personnel and equipment at the incident. Step 8: Coordinate with personnel and volunteer coordinator. Group: Logistics You Report To: Logistics Section Chief Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. ** or designee/replacement
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action 1st Field Health Threats Investigator Investigates suspected cases and reviews patient records to identify potential cases, by taking medical history. Perform medical assessment. Step 1: Report to check in area for documentation of working emergency event Step 2: Report to Chief Epidemiologist Step 3: Report on status and coordinate Field Case Investigators Step 4: Interviews suspected cases and reviews patient records to identify potential cases, by taking medical history. Step 5: Aid in medical assessments. Step 6: Refer exposed individuals for medical evaluation and treatment. Step 7: Aid nurses in vaccinating contacts. Step 8: Participates in educating physicians on identification/diagnosis of BT diseases. Step 9: Confirm cases using case definition. Step 10: Coordinate specimen collection for laboratory tests. Step 11: Generate contact list from database daily and call each contact to record additional symptoms or pustule formation. Step 12: Refer contacts for medical evaluation or revaccination. Maintain confidentiality. Group: Operations You Report To: Chief Epidemiologist Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. ** or designee/replacement
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action 1st SNS Coordinator Oversee all SNS operations. Step 1: Supervises coordination of SNS dispensing sites. Step 2: Supervises SNS staff. Step 4: Responsible for the plans, policy and operations of the SNS program. Step 4: Manages, monitors, and ensures operational status of the SNS inventory such as: equipment manpower Step 5: Operational planning liaison to the State of Texas and regional SNS committees. Step 6: During SNS deployment responsible for the overall receipt, stage, storage, distribution as well as administration of the SNS program. Group: Operations You Report To: Operations Section Chief Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. **or replacement/designee
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action 1st Dispensing and Treatment Manager Supervisor Responsible for policy regarding triage, counseling, set-up of facilities, protocols for patient care, and other functions of dispensing/treatment sites. Also responsible for patient tracking system. Dispensing and treatment sites need to provide continuous feedback to Dispensing and Treatment Manager and Materials Manager on the amount of medication and other supplies that have been distributed. * Must be RN Step 1: During SNS operations supervises the operations of all dispensary sites. In lesser events, serves as BT Quad Nurse. Step 2: Responsible for coordination, liaison, vaccination, and community outreach programs related to bioterrorism, preparedness and response. Step 3: Trains Deputy Treatment Supervisor Managers, as needed, for MAJOR EVENT SNS roll-out from TCPHD nurses. Group: Operations You Report To: SNS Coordinator Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. **or replacement/designee
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action Administrative Assistant/RDT Answer telephone, assist clinic personnel as needed, collect forms, assist disabled and other duties as assigned. Step 1: Report to emergency response location or ICS command post Step 2: Check in with ICS Supervisor Step 3: Take inventory of available supplies and equipment Step 4: Request required or needed equipment or supplies Step 5: Complete appropriate emergency response employee forms Step 6: Await further instruction or notification Group: Logistics You Report To: Personnel/Volunteer Coordinator Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. **or replacement/designee
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action 1st BT Nurse Case Investigator Support quad team efforts. Step 1: Vaccinate contacts. Step 2: Assist with medical assessments. Step 3: Interviews contacts and assesses for signs/symptoms. Step 4: Conducts 7-day evaluation of vaccine take. Step 5: Educate contacts on possible smallpox or other symptoms, travel restrictions and reporting requirements. Step 6: Conduct personal interviews with cases for exposure assessment to ascertain type, location, and characteristics of exposure. Group: Operations You Report To: Health Threats Investigator Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. ** or designee/replacement
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action 1st Risk/Legal Officer Legal advisor to EOC and TCPHD ICS leadership. Step 1: Keeps EOC and IC advised, as necessary, regarding legal issues for public health emergencies. May serve as liaison, as requested. Liaison to Section Chiefs on event risk and legal matters. Provides legal opinions for health event. Maintain contact with TDH ‘s Office of General Counsel (OGC). Step 2: Participate in TDH activities with OGC and legal experts around the state and nation to discuss and coordinate legal issues surrounding preparing for and responding to a public health emergency in Texas. Step 3: Developing and maintaining awareness of legal benchmarks or standards essential to public health preparedness. Step 4: Maintaining/developing competencies regarding statutes, regulations, and ordinances. Assist coordination among disciplines, public & private sectors, and levels of government components of public health preparedness and the law for area quarantine for environmental or toxic chemicals & communicable diseases as well as national initiatives and state initiatives Informs IC of legal needs. Evaluate demobilization plans in terms of risk to TCPH. Step 5: Maintain Unit Log. Group: Command You Report To: Health Authority and Liaison Leader Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. ** Or designee/replacement
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action 1st Safety Officer Enabling Operations (worker health & safety). Obtain and act on briefing from IC. Develop Job Safety Analysis as needed. Identify hazardous situations associated with the incident. Identify potentially unsafe situations. Exercise appropriate authority to stop unsafe acts. Maintain proper records. Step 1: Report to emergency response location or ICS command post Step 2: Check in with ICS Supervisor Step 3: Take inventory of available supplies and equipment Step 4: Request required or needed equipment or supplies Step 5: Complete appropriate emergency response employee forms Step 6: Await further instruction or notification Group: Command You Report To: Incident Commander Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. ** or designee/replacement
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action 1st Bioterrorism Coordinator Communications – Epidemiology, Laboratory, SNS Coordinator, Operations, Planning. Obtain and act on briefing from Health Director pertaining to internal functions during biological event. Identify representatives from each cooperating division. Provide a point of contact for assisting cooperating division. Step 1: Obtain and act on briefing from Health Director or Health Authority pertaining to internal functions during biological event. Identify representatives from each cooperating division. Step 2: Provide point of contact for assisting cooperating division. Coordinates TCPHD preparedness and response activities, serves as liaison and advisor to senior TCPHD officials on bioterrorism. Step 3: Assists TCPHD Health Director or Health Authority (at the Fort Worth/Tarrant County EOC or TCPHD IC) during SNS operations, as requested. Step 4: Be a contact point for Agency Representatives. Step 5: Maintain a list of assisting & cooperating agencies and Agency representatives. Step 6: Assist in establishing & coordinating interagency contacts. Keep agencies supporting incident aware of incident status. Step 7: Monitor incident operations to identify current or potential inter-organizational problems. Step 8: Participate in briefings and planning meetings, providing current resource status, including limitations and capability of assisting agency resources. Step 9: Maintain Unit Log. Group: Command You Report To: Health Authority Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. ** or designee/replacement
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action 1st Public Information Officer The Information Officer is responsible for developing and releasing information about the incident to the news media, to incident personnel, and to other appropriate agencies and organizations. Communications – Media. Maintain continuous briefings from the IC. Coordinate all public information and press events. Secure media communications sites. Maintain press records. Responsible for gathering information for media briefings. Verifies validity of information. Coordinate public health messages with local, state and federal agencies in a timely manner. Step 1: Determine from the Incident Commander if there are any limits on information release. Step 2: Develop material for use in media briefings. Step 3: Obtain Incident Commander's approval of media releases. Step 4: Inform media and conduct media briefings. Step 5: Arrange for tours and other interviews or briefings that may be required. Step 6: Obtain media information that may be useful to incident planning. Step 7: Maintain current information summaries and/or displays on the incident and provide information on status of incident to assigned personnel. Step 8: Maintain Unit Log. Group: Command You Report To: Incident Commander Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. ** or designee/replacement
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action 1st Operations Section Chief Obtain and act on briefing from IC. Manage all activities directly applicable to accomplish the mission, including smallpox vaccination operations and smallpox clinics. Assist IC with preparation of operation plans. Implement IAP. Keep IC informed of situation and personnel status. Maintain proper records. Supervises/facilitates SNS Coordinator. Step 1: Manage tactical operations. Interact with next lower level of Section (Branch, Division/Group) to develop the operations portion of the Incident Action Plan. Request resources needed to implement the Operation's tactics as a part of the Incident Action Step 2: Plan development (ICS 215). Step 3: Assist in development of operations portion of Incident Action Plan. Step 4: Supervise execution of Incident Action Plan (IAP) for Operations. Maintain close contact with subordinate positions. Ensure safe tactical operations. Step 5: Request additional resources to support tactical operations. Step 6: Approve release of resources from assigned status (not release from the incident). Step 7: Make or approve expedient changes to IAP during Operational Period as necessary. Step 8: Maintain close communication with Incident Commander. Step 9: Maintain Unit Log. Group: Operations You Report To: Incident Commander Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. ** or designee/replacement
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action 1st Logistics Section Chief Ensures adequate specimen collection materials and forms and paper materials are available. Assists with transportation issues for Field Response Team and Laboratory. Coordinates phone support for epidemiology/laboratory transfers. Coordinates sample transfers to CDC or FBI. Step 1: Manage all incident logistics. Step 2: Provide logistical input to the IC in preparing the Incident Action Plan. Step 3: Brief Branch Directors and Unit Leaders as needed. Step 4: Identify anticipated and known incident service and support requirements. Step 5: Request additional resources as needed. Step 6: Review and provide input to the Communications Plan, Medical Plan and Traffic Plan. Step 7: Supervise requests for additional resources. Step 8: Oversee demobilization of Logistics Section. Step 9: Responsible for communications, supply and staging functions. Step 10: Manages the flow of personnel, equipment and supplies including vaccine into and out of the staging area. Step 11: Provide facilities, materials, equipment, personnel and services necessary to accomplish the mission. Step 12: Provide support services (food, water, shelter, etc. for responders – not “civilians”). Step 13: Oversee communications. Step 14: Maintain proper records. Group: Logistics You Report To: Incident Commander Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. ** or designee/replacement
Tarrant County Public Health State of Readiness Incident Command Job Action 1st Planning Section Chief The Planning Section collects, evaluates, processes, and disseminates information for use at the incident. When activated, the Section is managed by the Planning Section Chief who is a member of the General Staff. There are four units within the Planning Section that can be activated as necessary: Resources Unit, Situation Unit, Documentation Unit, and Demobilization Unit. Step 1: Collect and process situation information about the incident. Step 2: Supervise preparation of the Incident Action Plan. Step 3: Provide input to the Incident Commander and Operations Section Chief in preparing the Incident Action Plan. Step 4: Reassign out-of-service personnel already on-site to ICS organizational positions as appropriate. Step 5: Establish information requirements and reporting schedules for Planning Section units (e.g., Resources, Situation Units). Step 6: Determine need for any specialized resources in support of the incident. Step 7: If requested, assemble and disassemble strike teams and task forces not assigned to operations. Step 8: Establish special information collection activities as necessary, e.g., weather, environmental, toxic substances. Step 9: Assemble information on alternative strategies. Step10: Provide periodic predictions on incident potential. Step11: Report any significant changes in incident status. Step12: Compile and display incident status information. Step13: Oversee preparation of Incident demobilization plan. Step14: Incorporate the incident traffic plan (from Ground Support) and other supporting plans into the Incident Action Plan. Step15: Maintain Unit Log. Group: Planning You Report To: Incident Commander Incident Command Center: Telephone: ( )__________________ * Public Health Emergency Plan is in offices of Incident Commander and each Section Chief. ** or designee/replacement