Large Atmospheric Storage Tank Fires LASTFIRE Large Atmospheric Storage Tank Fires
An industry consortium of international oil companies
Objectives of original study LASTFIRE Objectives of original study Determine current levels of risk Establish Design & Operational Practice & make knowledge available throughout industry Establish techniques to determine site- specific levels of risk and identify appropriate & cost-effective risk reduction measures
Objectives of update study LASTFIRE Objectives of update study To continue LASTFIRE’s role as the established recognised international oil companies forum on best practices of Fire Hazard Management of Storage Tanks
FIRE HAZARD MANAGEMENT LASTFIRE DESIGN STANDARDS CODES OF PRACTICE Equipment Maintenance Preplanning Exercises Fire Training Update FIRE ENGINEERING FIRE MODELLING COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS Evaluate Alternative Prevention, Protection & Mitigation Measures Incident Descriptions CONSEQUENCES Life Safety Environment Business Interruption Asset Value Other Issues HAZOP QRA INCIDENT EXPERIENCE Ignition Sources Hazardous Materials Formalisation Legislation Fire Scenario Analysis Compare Risk Reduction Options Define FHM Policy Implement
PROJECT DELIVERABLES Risk Reduction Options Foam Review Incident LASTFIRE Risk Reduction Options Foam Review Incident Frequency Survey Direct input Indirect input Fire Scenario Analysis Compare Risk Reduction Options Define FHM Policy Implement Escalation Mechanism Analysis Risk Workbook
Involvement - Existing and Future Benefits LASTFIRE LASTFIRE Involvement - Existing and Future Benefits
Involvement/Benefits LASTFIRE Involvement/Benefits Direct involvement in development of latest practices, codes and standards LASTFIRE Risk Reduction Options Energy Institute IP19 EI / API Lightning Study Technical input & review
Involvement/Benefits LASTFIRE Involvement/Benefits Contribution to LASTFIRE Incident database (anonymously) Most comprehensive statistical database for tank fires and tank related incidents Used for input into safety cases and hazard assessments Database continually updated
Involvement/Benefits LASTFIRE Involvement/Benefits Practical guidance on implementation of FEHM Measures Risk Reduction Options Document What are the cost effective FEHM measures What are typical & best practices Incident prevention, detection, protection and response
For Example: Linear Heat Detection Pneumatic vs. Electrical LASTFIRE For Example: Linear Heat Detection Pneumatic vs. Electrical Specification considerations Practical experience based guidance New developments in detection
LASTFIRE members participate in an International forum for tank Fire Hazard Management and related issues and receive the latest technical information on fire prevention, detection, protection and response measures, as well as that relating to international codes and standards. These include the latest foam standards and Fire Hazard Management codes of practice. Through LASTFIRE, members also actively participate in the latest research into extreme tank fire events such as Boilover, and current issues such as fires in internal floating roof tanks.
LASTFIRE Research – Boilovers Access to boilover study data and analyses – largest database on BO Access to information on boilover probability/consequences Development of safe, cost-effective practical guidance on boilover prevention, mitigation and fire fighting strategies