Weeds Weeds are a common household problem residential owners encounter. Types of damages: -Structures -Insect pests -Disease -Land degradation Pesticides Use of pesticides is a common method to eliminate weeds. Types of hazards: -Pets -Children -Underground water pipes
Motivation Emphasis on Green energy solutions. Create a system concentrated on global community safety. Halt an increase in insect pests, disease, and land degradation.
Objectives Create a eco-friendly, cost efficient, effective system that will eliminate weeds and the use of pesticides. Develop a system that can be used by elderly people. Manufacture a system that can be used in a variety of environments.
Design The Hydro-Thermal Weed Cleaner is a simple system made up of three main components: Water hose Handle and trigger Heating element
Concept Design
Prototype Prototype – 1.0 =>
Design Safety A splash shield will prevent boiling water from being scolded. A surge protector inside the heating element will prevent electrical disruptions. The trigger will have a child lock mechanism.
Global Learning and Design Different voltages are taken into consideration in every country. Different environments are contemplated for the effectiveness of the system. User manual in multi-languages is considered, English, Japanese and Hindi. SI and English units is regarded.
Testing and Analysis We tested the initial concept on common house weeds and recorded the results. Initial experiments produced encouraging results. Contrary to our intuition, the value of the heating element was higher. As a consequence, we plan to develop ventilation in the handle for convection to occur. Leakages is another issue we need to tackle to avoid loss of water.
Theoretical Parameters > 10,000 ( ) <= Seider – Tate relation....
Industry Standards ASME code of ethics EPA United states environmental protection agency CPSC Consumer product safety commission UNS Unified numbering system ASTM American society of testing and materials
Member Responsibility
Tentative Schedule
Discussion and Conclusion From the initial testing of the prototype, we conclude that the concept is practical. More iterations in the original design needs to be done to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the final product. The target temperature to be achieved is 99°C. Our aim is to convert this practical concept into a product.