Working in partnership with the community to promote health, safety, and well-being. Community Health Improvement Planning for Austin/Travis County Community Health Improvement Planning for Austin/Travis County Strategic Comprehensive Planning Core CHA CHIP Planning Meeting Austin/Travis County HHSD * Central Health * Travis County HHS & VS August 22, 2011
2 News Just In! Austin/Travis County HHSD receives funding to complete a model community health improvement process One of 12 Select Local Health Departments (LHD) out of 127 applicants The only one in Texas Community Engaged A/TCHHSD leads the process and collaborates with partners/stakeholders Ensure Quality Essential Public Health Services CHA = Community Health Assessment CHIP = Community Health Improvement Plan
3 CHA CHIP Grant Facts Funded by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the NACCHO Intense training to recipients and $35,000 in funds Period from July 2011 through December 15, 2012 By Dec 2012, CHA and CHIP must be completed Must address social determinants of health, examine disparities, and include planning for health equity A/TCHSHD to apply for public health accreditation between Jan 2013 and Dec 2014
4 What are CHAs and CHIPs? CHA: A process that engages with community members and Local Public Health System partners to systematically collect and analyze health-related data from a variety of sources. The findings are presented in a community health profile. 1. Informs community decision-making 2. Prioritizes health problems, and 3. Assists in development and implementation of community health improvement plans. Source: NACCHO
5 What are CHAs and CHIPs? CHIP: An action-oriented plan that outlines the priority community heath issues (based on CHA findings) - Community member and LPHS partner input - How these issues will be addressed, including strategies and measures Long-term goal: Ultimately improve the health of community. Source: NACCHO
6 Public Health Accreditation National Voluntary Public Health Accreditation to Launch in Fall of 2011 – Standards and Measures based on the 10 Essential Public Health Services To Apply for Public Health Accreditation, the following are required: – Agency strategic plan – Community health status report – Community health improvement plan
7 Why Do a CHA and CHIP? Engage community members on health issues Collaborate with partners, meet new partners Helps to understand health disparities in communities Differentiates needs in various communities Use data/information to establish priorities, improve systems Enables leaders to establish health priorities based on community needs Facilitates LPHS to focus on programs/services that address community's health needs Promotes action planning to achieve healthy communities & healthy behaviors Satisfies requirements ( grants; non-profit hospitals; HHSD accreditation ) Strengthens viability to successfully compete for funding opportunities
8 Benefits and Purpose Activity What Do We Get? How Will We Use the information gained from the CHA and CHIP?
9 Who Are the Players? Community Residents Local Public Health System * Hospitals * Community Organizations * Mass Transit * School Districts * Academic Institutions * Health Organizations * Travis County HHS & VS * Central Health * COA HHSD * Libraries * Parks and Recreations Dept * EMS * Police * Fire and MANY more! Non-Traditional Partners * Religious and spiritual entities * Grocery Stores * Local businesses * Athletic groups …just to name a few…
10 Organization Committees, Partners, Stakeholders, Local Public Health System, and Community
11 Committee Model
12 Working Together Model Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. County Health Rankings Accessible at
13 LPHS and Jellybeans
14 Identifying Partners Action Item: Review and Update Partner and Stakeholder Group
15 Our Key Partners to Date City of Austin (Police, Fire, EMS, PARD, EGRSO, Public Works, Sustainability Office, PDR, Austin Energy) Travis County Health and Human Services and Veterans Services Central Health Seton Family of Hospitals University of Texas School of Public Health – Austin Regional Campus St. Davids Foundation St. Davids Hospital Community Action Network Austin/Travis County Integral Care University of Texas School of Nursing University of Texas School of Social Work Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority Austin Independent School District Texas Association of Local Health Officials (TALHO)
16 Strategic Planning Model Mobilizing – Engaging the community Action – Implementing a health improvement plan Planning – Applying strategic planning concepts Partnerships – Involves local public health system and community partners Source: NACCHO
17 Model Work Plan Resource * Source: Florida DOH; Model developed by Virginia Holland, Health Council of Northeast Florida, Jacksonville
18 Relationships and Responsibilities Action Item: Develop List of Needs, Wants, and Resources
19 RolesSkill or Area of Expertise NeededNeedHaveWho? Partnership ManagementProgram management skills, social networking skills Fiscal managerBudget management Meeting plannerEvent planning Meeting facilitatorFacilitative leadership expertise RecorderWriting skills Membership coordinatorDatabase management PlannersStrategic planning Action planning Program PlanningDesign educational materials, activities Implement educational materials, activities EvaluatorEvaluation Goals, objectivesWriting measurable goals, objectives Quality assurancePerformance improvement CommunicationPublic speaking, working with media MarketingPublic relations Social marketing SpokespersonPublic speaking ITSocial media PolicyPolicy development Health Content SpecialistTrainers, educators, public heath professionals Health statusData analysis, interpretation Partner Roles and Skills/Expertise Checklist. * Source: Florida DOH
20 Next Steps Confirm Names of COA HHSD, Central Health, and Travis County HHS & VS Points of Contact Send Invites for September 15 Kickoff Meeting Formation of Steering Committee Identify needs and resources to complete processes Establish communication methods Engage Community and develop a shared vision for CHA CHIP process
21 Questions? Thank You!