XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 1 Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 – Using Excel To Manage Financial Data
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 2 Identify major components of the Excel window Excel is a computerized spreadsheet, which is an important business tool that helps you report and analyze information. Excel stores spreadsheets in documents called workbooks. Each workbook is made up of individual worksheets, or sheets. Because all sorts of calculations can be made in the Excel spreadsheet, it is much more flexible than a paper spreadsheet. The Excel window has some basic components, such as an Active cell, Column headings, a Formula bar, a Name box, the mouse pointer, Row headings, Sheet tabs, a Task Pane, Tab scrolling buttons and Toolbars.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 3 A sample Excel worksheet This figure shows a sample budget spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is laid out in a grid of rows and columns. In Excel, you may open and save a workbook the same way you would open a document in Word or PowerPoint.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 4 Excel worksheets and workbooks When you set up calculations in a worksheet, if an entry is changed in a cell, the spreadsheet will automatically update any calculated values that were based on that entry. When you open Excel, by default it will open a blank workbook with three blank worksheets. When you save a workbook, you have a Save As option that can save the spreadsheet to earlier versions of Excel or to Quattro Pro, Lotus 123 formats, dBase formats, and even to a comma or tab-delimited text file.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 5 Identify Excel components
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 6 Descriptions of Excel components
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 7 Navigate within worksheets To navigate within a workbook, you use the arrow keys, PageUp, PageDown, or the Ctrl key in combination with the arrow keys to make larger movements. The most direct means of navigation is with your mouse. Scroll bars are provided and work as they do in all Windows applications.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 8 Navigate between worksheets To move to other Worksheets, you can: –Click their tab with the mouse –Use the Ctrl key with the Page Up and Page Down keys to move sequentially up or down through the worksheets If you are familiar with Microsoft Access, you will find the tab scrolling buttons for moving between worksheets to be similar to record browsing on an Access form or datasheet.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 9 Navigation keystrokes This figure shows the keystrokes that are used in Excel and the resulting action.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 10 Navigate using scroll bars and scroll boxes You can also click and drag the scroll boxes to make large, rapid moves across the spreadsheet. Clicking in the scroll bar above the scroll box is the same as using the Page Up key. Clicking below the vertical scroll bar yields the same result as the Page Down key.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 11 Use tab scrolling buttons To browse through the names of the worksheet tabs, you may also use a set of tab scrolling buttons, located at the lower left portion of the Excel window, just to the left of the first worksheet tab. Browsing through the worksheet tab names does not change the active worksheet. (This tab scrolling feature is only active when there are more worksheet tabs than are visible in the Excel window.)
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 12 Identify cell ranges A group of worksheet cells is known as a cell range, or range. Working with ranges in a worksheet makes working with the data easier. Ranges can be adjacent or nonadjacent. –An adjacent range is a single, rectangular block of cells –Select an adjacent range by clicking on a cell and dragging to an opposite corner of a rectangle of cells –A nonadjacent range is comprised of two or more adjacent ranges that are not contiguous to each other –To select a nonadjacent range, begin by selecting an adjacent range, then press and hold down the Ctrl key as you select other adjacent ranges
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 13 Select and move worksheet cells To select a large area of cells, select the first cell in the range, press and hold the Shift key, and then click the last cell in the range. Once you have selected a range of cells, you may move the cells within the worksheet by clicking and dragging the selection from its current location to its new one. By pressing and holding the Ctrl key as you drag, Excel will leave the original selection in its place and paste a copy of the selection in the new location. To move between workbooks, use the Alt key while dragging the selection.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 14 Adjacent and nonadjacent ranges Working with ranges is an important feature because it allows you to select groups of cells and manipulate them within the worksheet or copy them to other areas, even to other applications such a Word or Outlook. Adjacent range selection. Nonadjacent range selection.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 15 Range selection techniques This figure describes several techniques for selecting cell ranges.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 16 Moving selected cell ranges To move a selection of cells, select the adjacent or non-adjacent range first, release the mouse button, then place it near the border and drag the selection to a new location, as shown.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 17 Understand text, values, and formulas Information entered into cells is categorized as either text, values or formulas. A date is a special type of value that is stored internally as a number and converted to a date on the screen using a standard convention. Values must be numbers, though they can be formatted to appear on the screen as currency or a percentage, for example. Formulas are expressions that are used to calculate a value. –An expression can contain one or more arithmetic operators, such as plus, minus, divide, or multiply –When more than one arithmetic operator is present, the calculation must follow order-of-precedence rules, which determine which operator is applied first, second and so forth
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 18 Editing cells and entering expressions You can edit a cell by selecting the cell and then clicking in the formula bar or by double-clicking the cell to open the cell in edit mode. Telephone numbers or social security numbers that contain other characters (like a dash or parentheses) are treated as text and cannot be used in calculations. Arithmetic operators are used in formulas.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 19 Use the Undo and Redo features Editing is an intrinsic task in any document, and especially useful are the Undo and Redo actions. The Undo feature allows you to sequentially back up to a certain action, such as a delete, a move, an entry, etc. and allows you to reverse those actions. Redo allows you to reapply actions one step at a time that you have previously undone.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 20 Excel’s arithmetic operators Arithmetic operations, symbols and description of their use.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 21 Know the order of precedence The order of precedence rules must be considered when creating expressions. The chart below illustrates Excel’s order of precedence and shows sample expressions and the result of each expression.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 22 Insert worksheet rows and columns You can insert one or many additional rows or columns within a worksheet with just a few steps using the mouse or menu options. You can insert individual cells within a row or column and then choose how to displace the existing cells. You can click the Insert menu and then select row or column, or right click on a row or column heading or a selection of cells and then choose Insert from the shortcut menu.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 23 Delete worksheet rows and columns To delete and clear cells, rows, or columns, you can use the Edit menu, or right click on a heading or a selection of cells and choose Delete from the shortcut menu. Clearing, as opposed to deleting, does not alter the structure of the worksheet or shift uncleared data cells. What can be confusing about this process is that you can use the Delete key to clear cells, but it does not remove them from the worksheet as you might expect.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 24 The Insert dialog box This figure depicts the Insert dialog box, which appears when you select a range of cells, right click on the selection and then choose Insert from the shortcut menu. Selecting one of these options controls what happens to existing cells when the new row or column is inserted.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 25 Deleting cells and ranges of cells When you choose to delete a selection, a dialog box similar to the Insert dialog box pops up, except that the first two choices are to Shift cells left or Shift cells up. Be aware that when you delete (remove) cells, rows or columns, if a formula in another cell referenced a cell that was deleted, this will cause an error in that formula, as depicted in the figure at right.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 26 Resize worksheet rows and columns There are a number of methods for altering row height and column width using the mouse or menus: –Click the dividing line on the column or row, and drag the dividing line to change the width of the column or height of the row –Double-click the border of a column heading, and the column will increase in width to match the length of the longest entry in the column Widths are expressed either in terms of the number of characters or the number of screen pixels.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 27 Resize a column Column A can be resized by clicking and dragging on the column separator line, or double-clicking the column header bar. The figure on the left shows column A needs to be resized. The figure on the right shows it after it has been resized.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 28 Insert, move, and rename worksheets Worksheets are much like pages within a book; you peruse through them like you flip the pages of a book. There are several ways to move, copy and work with worksheets. Right click on the sheet tab and choose Move or Copy. Select a new position in the workbook for the worksheet or click the Create a copy checkbox and Excel will paste a copy of that worksheet in the workbook. The same shortcut menu for the sheet tab also gives you the option to insert, delete or rename a worksheet.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 29 Print a workbook To Print a worksheet, you can use: –A menu –The Print button on the standard toolbar –The Ctrl-P keystroke to initiate a printout of the worksheet Excel uses the same basic methods for printing as other Windows and Microsoft Office applications.
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2002 Tutorial 1 30 The Print dialog box The Print dialog box allows you to set several options. You can control how many pages are printed, which pages are printed and how many copies are printed.