Members of CONCORD 42 members in 2010 ActionAid AprodevAustrian platform Belgian platformBritish platformCaritas CidseCzech platformDanish platform Dutch platformEurodadCARE EurostepFinnish platformFrench platform German platformGreek platformIPPF Irish platformItalian platformLuxembourg platform Malta platformPortuguese platformSlovakian platform Solidar EU-CORD Spanish platform Swedish platform Terre des Hommes Slovenian platform Representing over 1600 European Development and Relief NGOs Save the ChildrenWorld Vision Adra CBMI Plan Oxfam Latvia platform Poland platform WIDE Hungarian platform Cyprus Estonia platform
Added value of the Confederation Co-ordination of the capacities and knowledge of the members Reinforcement of NGDOs by cumulative effect Powerful and accurate representation of NGDOs Improvement of legitimacy Capacity to influence at a high level Renewal of the relationship with the European institutions Strengthening of the bond with the developing countries
Principles of CONCORD Confederate model Common drive to fight poverty and injustice Ownership by the members Participation of all types of members Sharing of knowledge and capacities Limited number of key issues Good governance and transparency processes Secretariat at the service of the members
CONCORD vision and mission CONCORD vision is of a world in which poverty and inequality have been ended; in which decisions are based on social justice, gender equality and upon our responsibility to future generations; where every person has the right to live in dignity, on an equal basis, free from poverty and sustainably. CONCORD Mission: CONCORD members work together to ensure that: The EU and member states are fully committed to comprehensive policies and practice that promote sustainable economic, social and human development, aim to address the causes of poverty, and are based on human rights, gender equality, justice and democracy; The rights and responsibilities of citizens and organised civil society, to influence those representing them in governments and EU institutions, are promoted and respected.
Priorities and approaches Aims To influence the EU’s policies and practices so that the Union and its member states enhance social justice, equality and human rights throughout the world. To promote the rights and responsibilities of citizens, development NGOs and, where relevant to CONCORD’s influencing agenda, civil society as a whole to act in solidarity with those living in poverty and to influence their representatives in governments and EU institutions. Approaches Human rights and gender equality will underpin all advocacy work. CONCORD will strengthen our political engagement with the institutions. CONCORD will develop strategic alliances with southern, European & global coalitions. CONCORD will support the organisational development of its members. CONCORD will ensure our collective decision making combines efficiency with confederation ownership, and supports active participation of all members in its activities. CONCORD will base our work on members’ energies, supported by a secretariat; balance our income sources to ensure our independence and sustainability, and manage finances prudently.
EU Presidency Task Force Quadrilogue / Palermo II Task Force Climate changre Task Force Cotonou WG EPAN WG European Food security WG Trade WG Gender WG EU-Africa Task Force HIV/Aids WG AidWatch (CWG) EU CSO effectiv. WG Development Education Forum (CWG) CONCORD organisational chart Policy Forum THEMATIC GROUPS SECRETARIAT FACILITATION + COORDINATION + CAPACITY BUILDING + COMMUNICATION + REPRESENTATION CORE GROUPS Sub-groups Deconcentration Financial regulation Thematic programs Budget Quadrilog Sub-groups Aid Trade Sub-groups Instrument for preaccession Neighbourhood & Partnership Instrument Sub-groups School curricula Code of conduct on images Funding Advocacy Quadrilog Project DEEEP Project TRIALOG CSO Forum (not yet in place) GENERAL ASSEMBLY BOARD Convenors forum (meeting on AdHoc basis) TASK FORCES Int Project Open Forum on CSO-eff Alliances Organisational development Leadership and participation Resources Policy Coherence for Development Task Force CWG WG TF STRATEGIC AIM 2STRATEGIC AIM 1 Rights based approach Task Force Migration Thematic GOVERNANCE BODIES COORDINATION BODIES WORKING BODIES PROJECTS Advocacy group Media and Communications group Report group Forum Trade & Environment – Fate (meeting on ad hoc basis) Funding for Development and Relief (CWG) Sub-groups
Operational bodies The working groups are at the core of the organisation of CONCORD. They convene experts from CONCORD members. Their main charge is to analyse and follow up European policies. The General Assembly takes formal decisions such as approval of the annual budget and the annual report on accounts, acceptance of new members, etc. The Consultative Assembly is meant to promote ownership of the work across the European NGOs. It works as a forum where issues can be debated and prioritised. It meets twice a year and sets up the annual priorities. The Board bears the overall responsibility for the functioning of the whole structure. It make sure that priority issues are dealt with by the secretariat and that advocacy positions have the endorsement of the members. The Secretariat focuses on the priority issues. It follows the work of the Working groups and ensure communication in a comprehensive manner to the broad membership.
The confederation CYINDEP