CBTF UNEP-UNCTAD Capacity Building Task Force for Trade, Environment and Development Permanent Missions Geneva, 21 February 2003 Brief Overview
CBTF CBTFCBTF 2 Geneva 18 April 2001 Launch of Second Phase Side event-attended by 5 government ministers & around 100 participants representing government delegations, multilateral & non-governmental organizations; EC announcing contribution of Euros 1.25m WSSD- trade as a means of implementation for sustainable development
CBTF CBTFCBTF 3 Geneva 18 April 2001 Main Themes Integrated assessment/planning; Trade and environment policies and poverty alleviation; Trade in environmentally preferable products; Environmentally sound technologies;
CBTF CBTFCBTF 4 Geneva 18 April 2001 Main Themes Ehancing synergies between MEAs & WTO; Subsidy reform to enhance market access & reduce environmental damage.
CBTF CBTFCBTF 5 Geneva 18 April 2001 Implementation Strategy Packaging capacity-building activities to include needs assessments, identification of target groups & institutions, training, strengthening research, institutional & policy-making capacities;
CBTF CBTFCBTF 6 Geneva 18 April 2001 Implementation Strategy Translating the outcome of research & analysis into policies & negotiating objectives; Developing long-term & integrated programmes, in consultation with stakeholders & capacity building providers.
CBTF CBTFCBTF 7 Geneva 18 April 2001 Criteria for the Selection of Projects Relevance to negotiations and discussions pursuant to the WSSD & Doha Work Programme; Active engagement of stakeholders in the region/country; Government long-term commitment to sustainable development; Priority given to LDCs.
CBTF CBTFCBTF 8 Geneva 18 April 2001 Ongoing Activities Indonesia – Use of Economic Instruments to Encourage the Sustainable use of Natural Resources & Internalise Environmental Impacts resulting from Trade Liberalisation & Export Growth in the Pulp & paper sector)
CBTF CBTFCBTF 9 Geneva 18 April 2001 Ongoing Activities Lebanon - Effects of trade liberalization on agriculture with special focus on products where methyl bromide is used
CBTF CBTFCBTF 10 Geneva 18 April 2001 Ongoing Activities Seven Country projects on the impacts of trade liberalization in the agriculture sector & the environment, with specific focus on the rice sector (China, Colombia, Indonesia, Ivory Coast,Nigeria, Senegal & Vietnam) Reference Manual
CBTF CBTFCBTF 11 Geneva 18 April 2001 Planned Activities Seminars for the Geneva-based missions and trade and environment officials from Capitals; Regional Workshops Central and Eastern Europe Arab Region Carribean
CBTF CBTFCBTF 12 Geneva 18 April 2001 UNEP Planned Activities Integrated Assessment/Planning Country Projects Regional Workshop on Capacity Building on Environment, Trade and Sustainable Development for Latin America; Mexico City, March 2003
CBTF CBTFCBTF 13 Geneva 18 April 2001 UNEP Planned Activities MEA/WTO meeting in Geneva July 2003; High-Level Forum on Environment,Trade & Sustainable Development, Seoul, May 2003.
CBTF CBTFCBTF 14 Geneva 18 April 2001 UNEP Planned Activities Reference handbooks on Policy reform in the fisheries & energy sectors; Country projects; Economic instruments for implementation of MEAs;
CBTF CBTFCBTF 15 Geneva 18 April 2001 Contact Points UNCTAD Trade, Environment and Development Branch UNEP Economics and Trade Branch