Those little buggers.
Kingdom- Animalia Phylum- Chordata Class- Mammalia Order- Rodentia Superfamily- Muroidea Family- Muridae Subfamily- Murinae Genus- Mus
Mice start to breed at about 50 days year old.(pretty neat eh?) Average gestation period is about 20 days! On average, little mice in a litter. (so cute.) Newborns weigh about 1 gram, are hairless, and have closed eyelids and ears. Pups are weaned at 3 weeks old, the weight is then to grams for a mouse.
Yes it happens. People buy mice as companion pets. They can be playful, loving, and grow used to being handled. Should never be left un supervised, due to so many predators. (we’ll talk about that later). Males tend to have a stronger ‘odor’ then females, although mice are very clean animals.
FOOD/AREA TO LIVE. Mice usually live in urban areas and forested areas. Food take in is 15grams for every 100 g body weight. Water intake is 15ml for every 100g body weight.
Mice are important in the diet of small carnivores. Predators are usually snakes, lizards, frogs, tarantulas, and sometimes even a cat or dog. Pet stores carry dead mice, or sometimes called ‘Pinkies’ for the use of getting eaten by pet snakes and other pets.
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Peace. I hoped you liked it. NOT. ;)