The Priory School Thursday 10 th September 2015 Year 8 Information Evening
Mr Eagle (Head of Year)
Communication Attendance Uniform ( tutor via planner) SEN Curriculum (individual subject teacher)
Rewards Same as last year via the awarding of merits and badges. Students receive merits for good work in and out of class and good behaviour. Students also receive weekly and termly prizes to reward outstanding contribution to school life. Reward Trip at the end of the year if you meet the criteria (excellent attendance (min 95%)/good behaviour and academic achievement).
English Mathematics Science These subjects are taught in sets and are reviewed each half term The Core Curriculum
MFL – German + Spanish - Set ICT Geography History Art Drama Design Technology – Food, Res Mat, Graphics and Textiles Music RE Physical Education The Foundation Subjects
English in Year 8
English – Miss Creber i/c of KS3 English
Year 8 English Myths and Legends Dickens novel Other Cultures novel A Midsummer Night’s Dream Drama Openings over time
Expectations in English Spelling homework every week Assessed for one key reading and writing piece each half term Set moves LRC lessons Reading
Ms Turner Head of Mathematics
Mathematics classes in year 8 6 classes 3 on the a side and 3 on the b side 6 lessons per fortnight New year = new exercise books 2 teachers = 2 books Progress
Mathematics classes in year 8 1 homework each week 2 nights to do it New homework textbooks
Missing homework books (year 7)
Mathematics online resources Log in: thepriorycofe Password: pentagon
Science Mr Lambert Head of KS3 Science
Year 8 Science Curriculum 1.Life Support 2.Keeping Healthy 3.People and Environment 4.Shaping Life 5. The periodic table 6. Using Elements 7. Metal Reactions 8. Rocks 9. Heating and cooling 10. Light 11. Sound 12. Moving around
Groups 8a1 8a2 8a3 8b1 8b2 8b3 All groups follow the same curriculum
Assessment Class tasks/end of term tests Homework - Timetable in Diary Green Pen – used for reflection Stamps Progress reports home 6 th November Parents Evening 17 th March Full reports 22 nd July
Assessment DateEffortAttainment Teacher Comment: To progress you must: Student Comment: Stamps The effort grade that a student receives from the teacher should reflect their attitude to learning. A letter grade will be used to record this information. Letters have been chosen that do not confuse with GCSE grades. O = Outstanding effort to achieve target level/ grade G =Good effort to achieve target level/ grade R =Requires some improvement to achieve target level/ grade U =Insufficient effort to achieve target level
Assessment Staff enter data on progress towards end of KS3 targets centrally – 6 weeks. Compared to targets and used by HODs/SLT/Staff Stickers on front of books show Current Grade and steps to improve + target grades. Any questions about progress should always be with the class teacher in first instance.
The Priory School Thank you for coming this evening Year 8 Information Evening