Moat Farm Junior School Welcome Moat Farm Junior School
Moat Farm Junior School We are a 4-form entry school, with approximately 30 pupils in each class, totalling 480 pupils. We are very well staffed, with each class having a member of support staff working within the classroom for the majority of the time. In our most recent Ofsted inspection (June 2013), it was commented that pupils make good progress, teaching is consistently good, pupils study a wide and varied range of subjects and behaviour is good.
Our Staff Head Teacher: Ms Stone Deputy Head Teacher: Mrs Shaw Assistant Head Teacher for Year 3: Miss Cross Class Teachers for Year 3: Mr Deane, Miss Cross , Mrs Rowley, Miss Wilson
What is the best thing about Moat Farm Juniors ?
Parents are a child’s first and foremost educators
We think learning should be fun !
We want your children to have a wide range of extra curricular activities
Reading – It’s very important !
Home Learning
Arriving at school School starts at 8:55am every day, but we open the school door at 8:45am to make the start of the day run smoothly . We have a breakfast club which is open from 7:30am daily. Please fill in the form in your pack if you would like a place. Mrs. Orme our Breakfast Club manager, will be available to speak to at the end of the meeting, if you would like more details.
Break time It starts at 10.35am and lasts for 15 minutes Children can bring a healthy snack to eat during that time
Lunch time Lunchtime begins at 12:30pm and lasts for 45 minutes. Please fill in the meal option form indicating whether you’d like your child to have sandwiches or dinners. Two week’s notice is needed if you choose to change your child’s option.
End of school day School finishes at 3:15pm. Please collect your child from their corridor door. The school runs an afterschool club on our site from 3:15pm until 6pm. There is details of this in the pack. Mrs Orme is our manager and is available to speak to you.
Lessons at Moat Farm Junior School Children will have daily English and Maths lessons. There will be at least 2 hours of PE each week. Year 3 children will attend swimming lessons at Langley Swimming Baths. Spanish lessons will be taught by specialist teachers. All other subjects will be linked to half termly topics. Year 3’s topics this year will be: Autumn one: Henry’s World Autumn two: Let there be light Spring one: Awesome Egyptians Spring two: The Great Outdoors Summer: OK, UK
School Uniform Children should wear: A burgundy jumper or cardigan A white shirt or polo shirt Grey trousers or skirt