Lesson 19 (2) Lesson 19 (2) Pets are good listeners.
1. 通过完成 2.1 的填表练习,学生能够获取及理解有 关人们养宠物的原因和目的等相关的细节信息 。 2. 通过完成对班级里养宠物同学的调查,学生能够 运用 because 和 so 引导的状语从句以及动词不定 式 to do 来阐述养宠物和做事情的原因、结果和目 的。 3. 学生在学习过程中,能够理解人与动物应该和谐 相处,动物是人类的朋友;并在完成学习任务的 过程中培养作意识。 教学目标
bird cat fish dog turtle mouse monkey
Mickey Mouse MinnieMouse
interview radio show
Ⅰ. Listen for the main idea The radio show is about : A. A survey on the reasons why people have pets B. A report on the reasons why people have pets C. A survey on the reasons why people like pets 调查
Listen to the interview and complete the chart. NamePetPet’s name turtle Minnie Dingo Robert Anderson Minnie Daisy mouse dog Minnie, Daisy, Green, Thomas, Dingo, Jacky, Robert Anderson, Mike Thomas
Listen to the interview and complete the chart. NamePetPet’s name Reason So he is not_____. mouse It was a ______. Because her name is just like the _______ mice in a cartoon. Thomas Dingo To guard his_______. Robert Anderson Minnie Daisy turtle dog famous house lonely joke 保卫,保护 1.Why does Robert Anderson keep( 喂养 ) a turtle ? He keeps a turtle so he is not lonely. 2.Why does Minnie keep a mouse at home? She keeps a mouse because her name is just like the famous mice. 3.Why does Thomas keep a dog ? He keeps a dog to guard his house.
Ⅲ. Language learning He keeps a turtle so he is not lonely. She keeps a mouse because her name is just like the famous mouse. He keeps a dog to guard the house. so because to 因此,所以 因为 为了
2.3 ★ I want a pet to take it for walks. ★ Pets don ’ t tell the secrets so children trust them. ★ Animals are good listeners because they don ’ t stop the children ★ The doctors are happy _______ the chidren feel better. ★ I want a cat __________ keep me company. ★ I bought a big dog_______ I feel safer now. because so to
★ He keeps a turtle so he is not lonely. ★ Pets don ’ t tell the secrets so children trust them. ★ I bought a big dog so I feel safer now. ★ She keeps a mouse because her name is just like the famous mouse. ★ Animals are good listeners because they don ’ t stop the children. ★ The doctors are happy because the chidren feel better ★ He keeps a dog to guard the house. ★ I want a pet to take it for walks. ★ I want a cat to keep me comany.
★ He keeps a turtle so he is not lonely. ★ Pets don ’ t tell the secrets so children trust them. ★ I bought a big dog so I feel safer now. 句 A so + 句 B (原 因)(原 因)(结 果)(结 果) 因 此因 此 ★ She keeps a mouse because her name is just like a famous mouse. ★ Animals are good listeners because they don ’ t stop the children. ★ The doctors are happy because the chidren feel better 句 A because + 句 B 因 为因 为 (原 因)(原 因) (结 果)(结 果)
★ He keeps a dog to guard the house. ★ I want a pet to take it for walks. ★ I want a cat to keep me comany. 句 + to do sth ( 目 的 ) 为 了为 了
Let’s sum up : 1. 句 A so + 句 B 2. 句 A because + 句 B 3. 句 A + to do sth (原 因)(原 因)(结 果)(结 果) ( 目 的 ) 因 为因 为 因 此因 此 为 了为 了 (原 因)(原 因) (结 果)(结 果)
buy a car Dad bought a car ___ drive me to school. Dad bought a car _________ we live far away from my school. Dad bought a car______ I can get up fifteen minutes later. to because so
Exe2.4:Make sentences with “to,because,so” Exe2.4:Make sentences with “to,because,so” I love cats I love cats People have pets People have pets He bought a mouse He bought a mouse Doctors use animals Doctors use animals A …they don’t feel lonely. B …they are very clean. C …help people feel better. D …make his sister laugh. to because so
Check your answer I love cats because they are very clean. I love cats because they are very clean. People have pets so they don’t feel lonely. People have pets so they don’t feel lonely. He bought a mouse to make his sister laugh. He bought a mouse to make his sister laugh. Doctors use animals to help people feel better. Doctors use animals to help people feel better.
work hard Jenny works hard to… because… so… get higher scores. she wants to get higher scores. She can get higher scores. Which is better?
They are happy keep fit have a party …… run every day …… Why?
Ⅳ. Use Language Task 1. 你们组有同学家里养宠物了吗? 如果有,请采访他 / 她所养的宠物的情况以及 为何养宠物的原因,在全班进行汇报。 NamePet Pet ’ s name Reason Reason A: Do you have a pet? B: Yes. A: What is its name? B: It ’ s … A: Why do you keep it? B: …
Possible expressions: keep sb company ( 陪伴某人) guard … take it for walks (带它散步) play with it talk with it make sb laugh help sb feel better … to clean lovely smart friendly good listeners patient… … because … not feel lonely trust them/ feel safer feel happier feel better… … so …
NamePetPet’s name Reason MarycatCoffeeto keep her company Mary has a cat, its name is Coffee, she keeps it to feel happier. Do a report
Task 2. 学校的校本课 程,你参加了哪个 课?为什么 ? 学校的校本课 程,你参加了哪个 课?为什么 ? 请以小组为单位调 查同学们加入不同 课的原因,做好记 录,全班汇报。 请以小组为单位调 查同学们加入不同 课的原因,做好记 录,全班汇报。 NameClass Reason Reason I took part in the _______class because (so, to)_________________. Lily took part in the ……
Ⅱ. Listen for the details Circle the names for the interviewers and the pets: Minnie, Daisy, Green, Thomas, Dingo, Jacky Robert Anderson, Mike