Learned and Inherited Traits
(characteristics and behaviors) Traits (characteristics and behaviors) Inherited Learned Practiced Response to Environment Mother Taught Father
Stellaluna Bird or Bat: How and Why Bird Traits Bat Traits Inherited Learned
Inherited or Learned A horse has a black coat with white patches, white face, and a white mane with a black forelock. Robins have orange chest feathers. Redwoods are among the largest trees in the world.
Inherited or Learned Holly plants have bright red berries. Some horses can be trained to jump over water and fences. A hunting dog finds birds that have been shot and retrieves them to its owner.
Inherited or Learned Dairy cows return to the barn each evening after spending the day in the pasture. It is much easier for a person to shoe a horse who lifts his leg when prompted by a touch.
Inherited or Learned Plumeria is a tropical plant that has bright pink, white or yellow flowers. Some species of the bamboo plant reach 120 feet in height. Trees have different shapes and different kinds of leaves according to what species they are.
Inherited or Learned Many kindergarten children know how to tie their shoes. Knowing multiplication and division facts makes it easier to work math problems. People use fibers from the cotton plant to weave cloth that can be made into clothes.
Inherited or Learned A honeybee remembers where its hive is located. The raffiesia is called “monster flower” because the flower of this plant is three feet wide. Reptiles are animals whose bodies are covered with scales.
Inherited or Learned Earthworms have no eyes. Birds are not able to chew their food because they have no teeth. A chimpanzee makes a “ladder” from objects to reach a piece of fruit that is too high to get by just reaching.
Inherited or Learned In Yellowstone National Park, bears often return to the same trashcans to look for food. Bobcats wait and watch motionless to stalk rabbits, squirrels, and rats before pouncing on their prey.
Inherited or Learned Children with good manners remember to say “please” and “thank you”. The female wood thrush lays turquoise eggs. Red bats spend summers in the northern United States and migrate to the southern United States in the winter.
Inherited or Learned Most people have brown, green, or blue eyes. Cowbirds lay white eggs with brown speckles. After much searching, a woodpecker finds a hole in an oak tree to build its nest.
Inherited or Learned Bird parents teach their young to fly. A red-tailed hawk sits on a fence post watching for the movement of a field mouse so he can swoop down and find a meal. In a desert environment, antelope and jackrabbits avoid cacti after experiencing pain from bumping into the sharp spines.
Inherited or Learned Approximately 65% of the United States population can roll their tongues from the sides to the middle. Right-handedness is more common than left-handedness in the general population.
Inherited or Learned Pet ferrets often find ways to escape from their cages. To multiply fractions you have to remember to multiply the two numerators and the two denominators to find the product.