WRF Portal (A GUI Front End For WRF) WRF Domain Wizard (A GUI Front End For WPS) Presented by Jeff Smith January 18, 2007
WRF Portal A GUI Front End For WRF Jeff Smith and Mark Govett
What is WRF Portal? -1 A GUI front end to WRF Simplifies configuring and running WRF Monitors existing runs, giving users valuable feedback on how their run(s) are progressing Stores information in a mySQL database, making it easy for users to search through previous runs, compare runs, etc. Includes an imbedded version of WRF Domain Wizard (more on that later) Includes visualization capabilities (meteorological charts and graphs—uses customized IDV library) Platform independent (e.g., Linux, Unix, Windows)
What is WRF Portal? -2 Also A Framework The WRF Portal code and database was designed to be a generic framework that can support other models in the future with minimal code refactoring Currently an alpha release tested at ESRL and at DTC (Developmental Testbed Center)
ETA Model Output Files (Eta212, Eta218) Real exe WRF exe Post Process (several programs) Visualization (GemPak or NCAR graphics Or RIP) Grib files Verification (statistics and graphs) Postprocessing WRF 2.1 Work Flow Diagram Hinterp WRFSI GUI Domain Tool (runs gridgen.exe) Grib files, MOAD Data Root Dir Vinterp SI (Standard Initialization) ETA218 ETALSM GFS AVN RUCHR NNRP NNRPSFC SST NetCDF or binary (one set of WRF_BDY WRF_INPUT files per nest) Bucket NetCDF or binary Gribprep Multiple runs (for multiple data sources) Preprocessing
ETA Model Output Files (Eta212, Eta218) Real exe WRF exe Post Process (several programs) Visualization (GemPak or NCAR graphics Or RIP) Grib files Verification (statistics and graphs) Postprocessing WRF 2.1 Work Flow Diagram Hinterp WRFSI GUI Domain Tool (runs gridgen.exe) Grib files, MOAD Data Root Dir Vinterp SI (Standard Initialization) ETA218 ETALSM GFS AVN RUCHR NNRP NNRPSFC SST NetCDF or binary (one set of WRF_BDY WRF_INPUT files per nest) NetCDF or binary Data Locator Custom IDV Version Gribprep Multiple runs (for multiple data sources) Preprocessing Note: Yellow boxes are currently simplified/automated by WRF Portal Mixed color boxes will be partially simplified/automated by WRF Portal in the future.
WRF Portal Technical Information Software is written in Java JRE 1.4x (or later) Uses Swing (JFC), JDBC, SSH-2 and SFTP Can be run directly from a web page (or from a command line 130 Java files, 33,000 lines of code mySQL 5 database supports flexible querying of namelists, user preferences, configuration info, runs, etc. Referential integrity support
Architecture And Flow mySQL Java Virtual Machine on user’s computer (linux, windows, unix, etc.) WRF Portal UI (Swing Application) SQLExecutor - JDBC Framework TCP/IP on port 3306 (default port) Database Server WRF Portal Data Layer (Plain Old Java Objects- POJO) Firewall (either opens port 3306, or SSH forwarding) Linux or Unix computer running WRF (supercomputer or workstation) SSH2 connection WRF config files like namelists,workflow.xml, workflow.log Reads config files, scripts, creates dir, workflow.xml Optional Ruby Workflow Mgr workflow.log file Job 1 Job 2 Job 3 Batch scheduler Stores all namelists, model configurations, runs, etc. JSch SSH library Ruby Workflow Manager Reads workflow.xml to determine which jobs to run WRF Domain Wizard Java workflow Manager Visualization Tool Polls workflow.log for progress info Optional-Java workflow manager
Interested Parties Potential Beta Testers Interested Parties Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography in Norfolk Centre for Dev. Of Advanced Computing in India Weather Decision Technologies, in Norman OK National Weather Service in Jacksonville, FL NCAR/DTC NOAA and ESRL
WRF Portal Screen Shot – Model Config
WRF Portal Screen Shot – Run Config
WRF Portal Screen Shot – Monitor Runs
WRF Portal Security mySQL database WRF Portal user logs in with username/password which grants him the limited database access does not store any sensitive information such as usernames or passwords to other computers database traffic sent via TCP/IP to port 3306 (or other port), password is encrypted Security can be further enhanced by using SSH Port forwarding to encrypt data coming and going WRF Portal uses SSH2 to connect to remote computer for reading/writing files run and monitor jobs
WRF Portal Future Work – Maybe Grid enabled version Single sign-on Create a web based monitoring piece Using Java web services Ensembles Port WRF Portal to other models
WRF Domain Wizard GUI Front End For WPS Jeff Smith and Paula McCaslin
What is WPS? WRF Preprocessing System (WPS) Developed at NCAR Just released with WRF V2.2 and replaces the previous WRF SI (standard initialization) WPS is Three Programs geogrid.exe – localizes the domain defined in namelist.wps and creates a NetCDF output file. It extracts global geographical data (e.g. soil moisture, vegetation, albedo, etc.) and maps it to the domain projection. ungrib.exe -- decodes and extracts atmospheric parameters from GRIB files in order to initialize WRF metgrid.exe -- combines the meteorological data from ungrib with the NetCDF output from geogrid in order to produce a series of NetCDF files that are used to initialize WRF.
What is WRF Domain Wizard? Successor to the WRFSI GUI and is the graphical user interface for WPS. Note: the older WRFSI GUI is not compatible with WPS Using this GUI, users define the region (and projection) of their domain on map define any nests run the WPS programs Can run as a standalone application (requiring no database connection) or from within WRF Portal Writes the domain information to namelist.wps, a standard file defined by NCAR
Domain Wizard Technical Info Software is written in Java JRE 1.4x (or later) Uses Swing (JFC) for GUI SSH-2 and SFTP to connect to remote computer (if user is not running WPS locally) Can be deployed either from a web page as a Java Web Start application or run from the command line
Architecture And Flow Disk files Java Virtual Machine user’s computer (linux, windows, etc.) WRF Domain Wizard (Swing Application) SSH2 connection namelist.wps, WPS data SSH I/O layer Local I/O layer geogrid ungrib metgrid WPS Programs Local or Remote Computer Has WPS Installed On It WRF Domain Wizard Web Page Java Web Start Link Download App Link (user downloads and runs GUI from command line) http connection
Animated Tutorials On The Website -1
Animated Tutorials On The Website -2
Animated Tutorials On The Website -3
WRF Domain Wizard Future Work – Maybe Visualize the WPS output files So users could inspect them before initializing WRF with them More user interface enhancements Port WRF Domain Wizard to other models
Thank You! Any Questions?