DDI Rep Title Boris Bajlovic Export Manager / Victor Business proposal April 2nd, 2009
Company with over 500 employees Sales in 60 countries 4 distribution centers in U.S.A. Research/sourcing office in China 4 business units
Rodent ControlCaring Control Mouse and rat snap traps Glue trays and boards Rodent electronics Rodenticides Natural pesticides Organic fertilizers Mosquito Solutions Stakes, Saucers Repellents Wild Bird Feeding Nectar Feeders Seed Feeders Nectar and Seed Poles, Baffles and Accessories Natural Solutions Live animal cage traps Animal repellents Pet electronics Animal containment products
Business Proposal for xxxx retailer -FIGTING THE CRISIS-
-FIGHTING THE CRISIS- ANTECEDENTES: Global economy is slowing down (unemployment, lower purchasing power) Buying behaviors are shifting Consumers are buying only what they need (including volume, etc.) Consumers are loyal to brands that are loyal to them (ones that offer additional benefits and solutions for their everyday problems.)
-FIGHTING THE CRISIS- PROPOSITION: Offer the products to the customer at the PRICE POINT they need with out compromizing the quality. Offer OPTIONS for the consumers to choose the product with in this line that best fits their needs. SOLUTION: Line of VICTOR products sold in bulk packaging and retailed per PIECE.
-FIGHTING THE CRISIS- Victor line fit for the consumer pocket Glue boardWooden Mouse TrapWooden Rat Trap
Glue board. -FIGHTING THE CRISIS- Model:M320INT Name:Glue Board UPC: Pack: 144 List Price (DDI):$0.15USD NET PRICE:(DIFFERENT FOR DISTRIBUTORS OR AUTOSERVICIO) SRP:$.50USD (Tax included) M.U. Distribuidor: 30% M.U. Retailer:50% Availability:May 2009
-COMBATIMOS LA CRÍSIS- Model:M040MEX Name:Wooden Moue Trap Pack:72 Price:$0.27USD NET PRICE:(Different for the distributor or retail chains) SRP:$0.88 (Tax included) M.U. Distribuidor: 30% M.U. Retailer:50% Available:May 2009 Wooden Mouse Trap
-FIGHTING THE CRISIS- Model:M200MEX Name:Wooden Rat trap Pack:12 List Price (DDI):$0.83USD NET PRICE:(Different for the distributor or retail chains) PVP Sugerido:$1.99 (Tax included) M.U. Distribuidor: 30% M.U. Retailer:40% Available:May 2009 Wooden Rat trap
-FIGHTING THE CRISIS- SOLUTION: The consumer has the oportunity to buy exactly what he needs, saving more mony The consumer has 3 options to choose from depending on his rodent problem.
-FIGHTING THE CRISIS- BENEFITS FOR THE RETAILER: Low cost/high volume items that attract the consumers to the store High marigns for the retailers Complete line of products.
-FIGHTING THE CRISIS- RESULTS: Attractive category for the consumer. Ability to by one unit at the tieme. Attractive options for the consumers looking to buy volumes. In both cases, competitive pricing. Items with attractive margins for retailers. Postitive impact on the in store trafic. VICTOR solutions for all consumer needs.