Silicon PhotoMultiplier Detection Solutions From SensL sensL: light detection and measurement P Hughes, DESY, 17 th July ‘09
Talk Outline Introduction –Motivation for SPM –SensL Product range Applications SPM Status –Technical Direction –Detector Performance (SensL) –SPM Manufacturing (Up Scaling) Outlook 2
3 Motivation Vacuum Tube Diode (Fleming) LightBulb (Edison) LED (Holonyak) CRT (Ferdinand Braun) Plasma tv (Bitzer/Gene Slottow) Silicon Transistor (Texas Inst.) ENIAC (17,468 Tubes) CMOS chip (174,569 transistors) Photomultiplier Tube (RCA) Solid State Vacuum Tube to provide a solid-state alternative to the vacuum tube based photomultiplier tube (PMT)...
SensL’s Mission 4
5 Core Competence Photon Counting / Timing (DigitalAPD) Silicon Photomultiplier (SPM) Single Photon Counting (SPC) Identical Core Technology Multiple Configurations
6 Photon Counting Single Photon Counting & Timing (Digital Mode) PCDMini 20um,100um & 1mm Active Area HRMTime 27 Picosecond Timing Module 4 Channel
7 Silicon Photomultiplier (SPM) Solid-state Analog Detectors and Arrays SPMMicro 1mm & 3mm Detectors SPMArrays Large Area 3-side & 4-side Tileable SPMMini High Performance Sub-Systems
8 Linear Arrays - Timing Cs-137Mn-54 Crystal (Unwrapped) Detector SPM x 256 Array - 40um detector active area - 50um pitch to give fill factor 80% - Two 1 x 128 ROICS Chip on board wirebond packaging FPGA interface board - Applications in Imaging LIDAR, Microscopy and Spectroscopy
9 Nuclear Medicine 198,000,000 microcells 0.5m 2 active area 55,000 SPM Pixels 57,600 microcells 1.44cm 2 active area
10 Radiation Detection SPM combined with scintillation crystals Key advantages over PMT –Small form factor –Detection & Identification –Magnetic field immunity –Cost effective –Low voltage operation (30V) –High uniformity of detectors –Ideal for portable systems 2008 IEEE Nuclear Symposium Record
11 Analytical Instruments Ocular Vasculature of Mouse Antigen Interaction of T Cells & APCs Human Colon Crypt Swallowtail Butterfly Interneurons SPM provides a pathway to miniaturised high volume systems
12 High Energy Physics GlueX Detector Lead Glass Detector Superconducting Solenoid Electron Beam from CEBAF Coherent Bremsstrahlung Photon Beam Tracking Target Cerenkov Counter Time of Flight Barrel Calorimeter Note that tagger is 80 m upstream of detector
Silicon PhotoMultiplier Detection Direction & Performance sensL: light detection and measurement P Hughes, DESY, 17 th July ‘09
14 Technical Direction Detector Performance Detector Core Performance Established (Continue driving forward key parameters) Broadband detection response – Near UV, Vis and Near-IR Manufacture (key) Volume Manufacture – process control/uniformity Large Area Arrays (Scale-up) Environmental Conditions (Robust detection solution) High Field Magnetic (10T) Radiation Hardness (DD, TID) Better System Design Understanding Readout Interface
Detector Performance SPS Gain PDE (Fill Factor) Dark Rate/Crosstalk SPM Timing 15 1mm 2 and 9mm 2 SPM 20, 35, 50 & 100µm microcells
Single Photoelectron Spectra 16 Single photoelectron peak distributions at 25◦C (unshaded) and -196◦C (shaded) at bias voltages of 31.5V and 27.5V respectively
Gain 17 Linear Dependence of Vbr with temperature 18.3±2.5mV/◦C Stable linear device gain for a constant over-voltage from RT to - 190◦C
PDE 18 PDE = QE * AIP * FF
PDE & Crosstalk 19 PDE = (35um microcell design)
20 Dark Rate 1mm, 20um Cell Device
SPM Timing Response 21 Avalanche onset time is ~3ns Recovery time set by internal RC of SPM Optimised output circuitry provides ability to use picosecond timing of the photon counting detector inside the SPM * Schaart, IEEE NSS, 2008 Measurement of SPMArray with LYSO crystal and 22 Na source Note this SPMArray contains 57k Single Photon Counting Detectors
SPM - Manufacture Leverage Heritage of Silicon Manufacturing Improve Process Control –Wafer to Wafer/ Lot to Lot –Uniformity 22 SPM8 – 3MM SPM A20H 700 DIE PER WAFER X 8640 MICROCELLS = 6 MILLION PHOTON COUNTING DETECTORS
23 Inkless Wafer Sort Inkless wafer map Automatic die pick & sort Wafer binning output
Vbr Uniformity 24 Tight distributions, across wafer, wafer to wafer, run to run Breakdown voltage independent of diode structure, size
25 Optical Uniformity
26 Scale-Up: Large Area SPM Pixel NxN SPM Submodule MxM SPM Module Example Shown: N = 5; M =3 Scaled SPM array architecture – e.g 0.5m 2 (total area)/PET system Submodules equivalent to 1.5” PMT sizes 4 side buttable Electronics integration
Flex Arrays (Prototypes) SPMArray –NxN SPM individually addressed SPMPlus –NxN array summed output –Large Area detection Flex Benefits Low cost/Lightweight Scalable Simplified electrical interconnections Small Form Factor PCT Patent
Glass Arrays for PET/MRI Ring 28 Utilises flip chip & glass substrates – 3 side tile
Array Uniformity 29
Ceramic Arrays 30 NEW PRODUCT RELEASE!!!!
Outlook (SensL) SPM Technology is now starting to compete with PMT’s in many markets –Performance Improvement will continue to be made –Baseline detector performance established for many application –Technology adoption is growing –New players are & will emerge PMT landscape has changed – new opportunities for SPM Establish manufacturing credibility - needs greater visibility from competition More careful system level integration & understanding needed as PMT legacy for system performance is often problematic 31
New Website 32 THANK YOU!