1 A Framework to Visualize and Interact with Multimodal Medical Images Source: VG01 – INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON VOLUME GRAPHICS, 2001 Author :Manssour, I. H.; Furuie, S. S.; Nedel, L. P.; Freitas, C. M. D. S. Student: 黃健彰 Advisor : 張顧耀
2 Outline Introduction Requirement Framework Description Interaction and Visualization Model Conclusions
3 Introduction The simultaneous use of images obtained from different sources (modality) 造影源優點缺點一般用途及特別用途 CT X 射線快速 掃描骨頭及軟骨 高成本 應用範圍有限 游離輻射 血塊 骨折 手術房 / 急診室 腦瘤 MRI 磁場軟組織 骨組織內部 非侵入性 高成本 無法獲得骨骼影像 耗時 腦部疾病 / 腫瘤 腦下垂體瘤 多發性硬化症 / 髓鞘 值惡化 PET 放射性 同位素 評估代謝功能 即時造影 使用多種放射性 追蹤劑 高成本 研究導向 空間資訊少 複雜 需要迴旋加速器 癲癇 / 抽搐 癌症 柏金森氏症 艾 滋海默氏症 腦部功能定位研究
4 Introduction A framework for interactive multimodal visualization of 3D medical image
5 Requirement
6 Registration To represent the same object of interest to a common coordinate system Match two of more image, or volumes From different times, sensors, scanners or viewpoints Reference image Map pixels from one image Test image To pixels in another image
7 Requirement Interactive multimodal visualization Linked feature display Display of cut planes Surface texturing and mapping Integrated data display Spectral Volume Rendering
8 Requirement
9 Interactive multimodal visualization Linked feature display Display of cut planes Surface texturing and mapping Integrated data display Spectral Volume Rendering
10 Requirement
11 Requirement Interactive multimodal visualization Linked feature display Display of cut planes Integrated data display Surface texturing and mapping Spectral Volume Rendering
13 Requirement Interactive multimodal visualization Linked feature display Display of cut planes Integrated data display Surface texturing and mapping Spectral Volume Rendering
14 Requirement Interaction tool To provide ways to manipulate the data Extract measurements and functional information Allow different types of visualization Navigation inside the structures The computational cost is very high Several acceleration techniques have been developed
15 Framework Description One of the largest challenges?? Development of strategies Requirements for the development of a new system Have multimodal visualization features Use the optimize algorithms Reuse software Easy to use
16 Framework Description Model-View-Controller (MVC) Model Encapsulates core data and functionality View Display information to the user Controller Receive input –Mouse movement, activation of mouse buttons, or keyboard input
18 Interaction and Visualization Model
20 Conclusions Find suitable strategies to integrate multiple data sets Design user-friendly interface Integrate all techniques