We Save The Day Witten by Rebeca Paramo
Meet the Mcladys Sally Mclady lived in a big house. She is the oldest sister. She has three sisters named Hady,Katty, and Sandy. She has a pet mouse named Harry. Sally is a dapple cat and she is nice. Sally saw the terrible news about the rain forest. She needed more food. She Sally Mclady went to the store Bo’s.
Rosie Bowesy When she got to Bo’s she saw her friend named Rose. She likes to were bows. She told her about the rain forest. Then Sally went back home. She went to the kitchen and ate her food.Sally new she had to do something to protect the rain forest.
We Go To Our Friends House Sally finished doing her mitten that she was making. She called Hady, Katty, and Sandy,and said “Are you finished with your home work?” They said “Yes.’’ Sally said “Ok then we can go to your friend’s house.”
We Save The Rain Forest Then they all hopped on the car, and she took them to their very best friend’s house.Her name is Windy Callindy. They went inside her house. She told them that she heard about the rain forest. She said we have to send a letter to the government. So they sent a letter to the government saying that people should not cut down trees because it is home to many animals. So the government said not to cut down trees to the people. Windy, Hady, Katty, Sandy, Sally, and Rose all saved the rain forest. All the animals in the rain forest were happy with what they did.
The End! “ Thank you for reading my book ”